Stream ValentinesDay | World Anvil

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happy valentines day!

solaris is all about love, so i had to make some valentines cards. my favourite is the Orbitross card, which is yours?    
#ValentinesDay #Freebies

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Birthday Shenanigans???)

Hello, everyone. I apologize for being MIA for the past...I honestly don't know how long it has been, but I have been sick and I feel like I've been in a black hole. I'm still not completely better, but I feel better than I did yesterday, which was thankfully better than I did the day before (and so on).   I appreciate those who reached out and checked on me, along with those who tried to step in and do some impromptu stuff. I thought that, being laid off from my job, I would NOT have any disruptions in this daily posting thing. I WAS WRONG. I know that there are ways to preload/schedule posts to go out on Substack, Ko-Fi, and Patreon now, I think. I just have to figure out how I can maybe get Handsome Co-Host to do it for me in the Discord. And the other sites...? I have no idea.   I hope this doesn't happen again, but everything happens for a reason, right? This must be a lesson. I am always quite the one-woman show, and people say I shouldn't have to do things all on my own, but I don't know how NOT to. I appreciate people who try to step in and help, but I don't have an official team, and I am in no position to pay one right now anyways. This is very challenging because it seems that everything is telling me to slow down when I literally CAN'T slow down or how will I survive? I had to take off from my minimum part-time cashier job this weekend due to being sick. I thought I would have all of February to try and study and get a better paying job or something, maybe promote my subscription tiers and hopefully bring in a bit of change in that way. BUT it seems that everything is just NOT working out.   It's okay. I will try to keep praying and keep going until I can't go anymore. Then, hopefully, one day I'll feel better and be able to keep going again? I have no idea.   Well, sorry to anyone who was disappointed in my annoying and sudden disappearance. I pray it won't happen again. Thank you all for your patience and understanding. I will try my best to make it all up to you.   I will try my best to do my #valentinesday stream this Wednesday with fun stuff and all that date jazz just for y'all. I have attached the flyer.  
  Sending prayers, love, and hugs to you all! I hope you have been well. Feel free to reach out again. Sorry I haven't been very alert lately, but I'm here now (hopefully). <3

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