Stream ArticlesAnonymous | World Anvil

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Happy Birthday to The Million Islands!

It was one year ago today that I created the first article in this world. Since then it has grown immensely, and today there are 346,850 words across 608 articles. Not bad for a one year old.
  I started with an idea, and an interest in seeing how ChatGPT could be used to help with worldbuilding. During the first half of the year, I learned a lot: about the world, about LLMs, but most importantly about how fun much writing was, and how much it helped me to be happy and sane. When Summer Camp came around, I decided that I had learned all I wanted to of writing with an LLM helping, but I was far from done with the world. In the second half of the year, I focused on writing every day, at least 300 words at first. I also began to get involved in the WorldAnvil community, first with the challenges, then joining the Discord and most recently becoming a member of the #ArticlesAnonymous chapter. During WorldEmber, I increased my daily goal to 325 words a day, and managed to reach the 25k word goal for the month!
  In a few days, I will be running the first session of a campaign set in the Million Islands, the first game I have run in over two years. I’m planning to continue writing and worldbuilding every day, and maybe one day ‘The Million Islands’ will be factual, not hyperbole. I’ve made friends in this community over the last year as well, and that’s the greatest reward of all.
  Thanks for reading, and happy writing!

Happy New Year! Articles Anonymous First Challenge

Happy New Year everyone! I hope everyone stayed safe last night and is ready to ring in 2024! I am the chapter leader of a new chapter called Articles Anonymous. We're all about support and accountability for reaching your worldbuilding goals! This month, to go hand in hand with the official New Years Resolution challenge, I present to you our own monthly challenge to help you tackle those bigger resolutions!
  This challenge is to create a smaller and achievable goal with a reward for yourself to work on during the month of January. This can be a writing or reading goal, or something else entirely! Articles Anonymous wants to help you start the year off right and get a little bit closer to doing what you have planned for the coming year.
January 2023 Chapter Challenge
Tradition / Ritual | Jan 2, 2024


WorldEmber 2023 - 25k reached!

At the beginning of WorldEmber, I decided to shoot for 10k words - I've had a daily goal of 300 words, and by upping that to 325 I was pretty sure I could make that happen. I'm happy to say that I made my goal early, and then continued on to reach a final total of 27,191 words across 108 articles. I also joined the new #ArticlesAnonymous chapter, and I am very thankful for all their support during this challenge and looking forward to our future endeavors as a chapter. Happy New Year to all!

Take the Challenge

Summer Camp Prep 2024

Get your world and yourself ready for Summer Camp!

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