Hunter | Background | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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In the wilds, there are many ways to survive but many find that hunting remains a base need for that survival. Hunters are those who dedicate their lives to hunt the prey for their meat and leather most of the time. Some are price-collecting hunters, finding rare beasts to make trophies or gain what wealthy material the creature can give. Whatever hunter they are, they know their terrains, their prey and how to take them down.

Skill Proficiencies Any two: Nature, Insight, Athletics or Stealth
Languages Common (or other native tounge)
Equipment Any one of: Shortbow or Longbow
Lifestyle Meager to good


Hunters knowledge

You know your terrain well enough to always have a favourable advantage, have advantage to all rolls related to your favoured terrain (if any) or choose one of the following for the same benefits: Forest, Savanah, Plains/Medoves, Jungle or Rural. This advantage can range from finding food (Survival), finding what animals are in the area (Animal handling or survival), finding good footing to remain silent (Stealth) or understand the terrain so that you find the best way forward (Nature). At level 16 you can elect to select a second favoured terrain, at the GM:s discretion of course.

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