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The opposite of Iron Physique, you are extra vulnerable to one particular element. Choose one from the list below. You may have this trait more than once against different elements.

  • Physical Injury. Reduce your physical save by the value.
  • Cold. Any time you make a physical save due to cold temperatures, you must reduce your physical save by the value of the trait.
  • Heat. Any time you make a physical save due to heat or dehydration, you must reduce your physical save by the value of the trait.
  • Poisons or diseases. When making a save against these conditions, you must reduce your physical save by the value of the trait.
  • Energy. Energy weapons include force blades, laser rifles, masers and other similar types of weapons. Reduce the physical save by the value of the trait whenever you take energy damage.
  • Radiation. The Wastelands are rife with radiation and this trait makes you extra vulnerable to it. Reduce the physical save by the value of the trait when rolling for radiation damage.

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Statblock Type

CD10: Traits and Skills
