Bubonic Plague | Action / Feat | Pathfinder 2e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Bubonic Plague - Disease 3

Trigger Exposure to infected Creatures (Parasitic Transfer)


This widespread illness can sweep through entire communities, leaving few unaffected. The first indication of the disease is a telltale swelling of glands. In some cases, the disease can move into your lungs (pneumonic plague) or blood (septicemic plague), which is even more fatal.
  • Saving Throw DC 17 Fortitude; 
  • OnsetOne Day 
  • Stage 1 fatigued (1 day)
  • Stage 2 enfeebled 2 and fatigued (1 day) 
  • Stage 3 enfeebled 3, fatigued, and take 1d6 persistent bleed damage every 1d20 minutes (1 day)

Applications If you have bubonic plague, you can’t remove the fatigued condition while affected.

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Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

Action / Feat
