SCP-956 | Monster | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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SCP-956 CR: 123456789

Small construct, lawful evil
Armor Class: 10 natural
Hit Points: 250 4d100+48
Speed: 35 ft


30 +10


14 +2


30 +10


8 -1


8 -1


2 -4

Damage Vulnerabilities: fire and firearms
Damage Resistances: bludgeoning from nonmagical weapons
Condition Immunities: exhaustion, grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, restrained, charmed
Senses: Tremorsense 60 ft
Blindsight 60 ft
Languages: none
Challenge Rating: 123456789

use str   DC=18   spell attack=10

At will: Hold Person

party victim. when attacking a target who is missing 2/3 of their total hp, SCP-956 will rupture the torso of said target. Upon breach, the victim's body discharges a large pile of unmarked candy, ranging from 12 to 1200 pieces depending on size. Instances of this candy are designated as SCP-956-1.   SCP-956-1. Consuming the candy produced by the previous effect will cause a person to go into a seizure within 2 minutes of consumption, with a 16% possibility of cardiac arrest 1d100 . There is an approximate 38% chance of survival for such subjects(con save, dc=16).
However, if SCP-956-1 is consumed by a child* while SCP-956 is below 15 hp, They will assume a standing stance, with their arms resting in front of them and become immobilized. Their body then [DATA REDACTED]. The process takes 5 minutes to complete. Upon completion, the victim will have transformed into another instance of SCP-956. These copies behave identically to SCP-956. There is a 1% chance of survival for the victim 1d100 .


beat the shit out of little Timmy. melee attack, 1d20+5 , deals 3d6+5 bludgeoning damage.

CP-956 appears to be a common piñata, resembling an unknown quadruped. Tests have revealed that, although superficially similar to paper-mache, SCP-956 is constructed of various amounts of glue, █████, sugar, unidentified fur, and human tissue. SCP-956 has also shown to be highly resistant to any sort of bludgeoning damage, with large amounts of crushing force showing no damage to its structural integrity, though the use of gunfire, as well as heat and flame, have shown to be effective.
By default, SCP-956 remains in a passive state. It shows no signs of locomotion or intelligence and displays no hostility. SCP-956 enters its active state when a child* enters within ██ meters of it. *child ruling
the entity must either consider themself a child or their parents consider them a child

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