uralkodó Gasharak | Monster / Creature | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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uralkodó Gasharak

Huge undead, skeleton, chaotic neutral
Armor Class 17
Hit Points 230(5d6+200) 5d6+200
Speed 30ft

23 +6
16 +3
18 +4
16 +3
11 0
8 -1

Damage Resistances Slashing
Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened
Senses Darkvision 100ft., Passive Perception 10
Languages Abyssal, Common, Undercommon, Telepathy 3 ft.
Challenge 13

Regeneration: The Gasharak deals 5d6 necrotic ignoring resistance to all of its current victims, then regains that many hitpoints at the start of its turn if it has at least 1. if hit by acid, fire, or radiant damage the gasharak does not regenerate the next turn. This is done by Impaling the victim currently trapped in the Gasharak, and draining the lingering life force within.


Multiattack: The uralkodó Gasharak may make up to 2 attacks of It’s choice   Claw: Melee attack, +8 to hit, Range 10 ft. 2d12 Slashing Damage plus 4d4 necrotic.   Punch: Melee attack,+8 to hit, Range 10 ft. square. 2d6+9 Bludgeoning Damage   Stomp: Melee attack,+8 to hit, Range 15 ft. square. 4d8+10 Bludgeoning Damage   Kick: Melee attack, +8 to hit, Range 10ft. 3d6+4 Bludgeoning Damage   Sweep: Melee attack, +8 to hit, Range 15 ft. cone. 2d6 Slashing Damage Plus 8d4 Necrotic


Feeding Frenzy: If the Gasharak is brought to 0 Hit Points, Its current Victims are consumed, Or all of its current victims are released in any way, The Gasharak gains back 1/4 of it’s Hit point Maximum and becomes a Falánk Uralkodó Gasharak.


Legendary Actions

All in your minds: (Consumes all Victims) The Victims inside the gasharak lets out blood curdling screams as the gasharak bites down on all 3 of it’s victim and gains temp hp equal to 18+2d12 per victim that lasts for the remainder of combat, then changes into a Falánk Uralkodó Gasharak. All Creatures that can see or hear the Gasharak must make a DC17 charisma Save or become frightened for the next 3 rounds. On each of their turns they can repeat this saving throw, on a success they become immune to any Gasharak’s “All in your minds” affect for the next 24 hours.  

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Statblock Type

Monster / Creature
