Artillery Sights | HQ Functionality Sheet | Hummel Quest | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Artillery Sights
Cost: 3/rating

The tank is equipped with a special targeting device that utilizes ultrasonic waves to construct a virtual image of its surroundings. When using the Artillery Sights, it sends out a short burst of such waves and interprets the feedback.   Tanks with Artillery Sights can detect the shapes of any object in a radius of 400 metres per rating. This ability to detect shapes is not linked to sight and works in moderate and complete darkness, as well as in bright light, but only shapes and no colour can be detected. Any obstacle or object that is higher than 3 metres blocks the “line of sight” to anything in an area of its height behind it. Processing the feedback of the Artillery Sights requires a great amount of computing power. It is treated like passively using a sense for the purpose of determining whether an interaction check is needed, but has to be done at will.   Due to the vague nature of the virtual image, the tank has a -2 penalty on its To Hit score when using its Artillery Sights to determine the position of a target for shooting. It can choose to use its Artillery Sights like purposefully using a sense (treating it as an interaction) to focus and on a success remove the penalty for its next shot.   Any tank with the Artillery Sights feature can pick up the feedback it causes, even if it originated from a different tank, if it was used within the range of its own Artillery Sights. It doesn't need to use its Artillery Sights to do this. It will know the direction of where the feedback originated from.

Restrictions / Notes

Max rating 4.
Source: SRD v1.2

Created by



Hummel Quest

Statblock Type

HQ Functionality Sheet
