Giant Caimant | Monster / Creature | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Giant Caimant

Huge beast, unaligned
Armor Class 13 (Natural Armor)
Hit Points 77 9d12+18
Speed 40ft Burrow: 10ft

18 +4
8 -1
15 +2
2 -4
10 0
4 -3

Senses Passive Perception 10
Languages -
Challenge 4 (1100 XP)

Keen Smell. The caimant has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.
Spider Climb. The caimant can climb difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without needing to make an ability check.
Tunneler. The caimant can burrow through solid rock at half its burrowing speed and leaves a 10-foot-wide, 10- foot-high tunnel in its wake.


Multiattack. The caimant makes two bite attacks.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: 1d20+6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 18 3d8+4 piercing damage.


The giant caimant is a huge animal found in the high peaks and low canyons of the Salju Mountains. It has a very powerful sense of smell, and strong jaws that make it highly dangerous. Voracious. The giant caimant is known for its incredible hunger. It is said that travelers who enter its territory with food are in incredible danger of being set upon by the caimant and its colony. Caimants have the ability scale steep canyon walls, and allow these natural barriers to catch their prey for them. Armored Hide. The caimant is a chimerical creature that resembles an ant grown to monstrous proportions. They dig their tunnels into solid rock walls and live in huge colonies. Giant caimants are feared creatures, and only those who can hide from them can hope to make it through caimant territory unscathed. Powerful Climbers. There are stories of those who have managed to best a giant caimant. These legends tell of powerful heroes who used earthlacing to turn the earth to their own advantage, putting them on equal footing with the caimants, closing off their colony tunnels and making the earth too difficult for the caimant to climb. It is unknown if these stories are true, but what is known is that the only safe way to pass through caimant country is to be invisible. Food is immediately identifiable to the caimant's sensitive nose, and anyone who brings food into a caimant canyon will surely find themselves set upon by the creatures.

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Statblock Type

Monster / Creature
