Deities | Generic, Random Table | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Roll the Dice
1Hylax (Lawful Good - Diplomacy, first contact, friendship, peace)
2Iomedae (Lawful Good - Honourable battle, humanity, justice, valour)
3Sarenrae (Neutral Good - Healing, redemption, the sun)
4Yaraesa (Neutral Good - Knowledge, mental perfection, scholarship, science)
5Desna (Chaotic Good - Dreams, luck, stars, travellers)
6Weydan (Chaotic Good - Discovery, equality, exploration, freedom)
7Abadar (Lawful Neutral - Civilisation, commerce, law, wealth)
8Talavet (Lawful Neutral - Community, self-reliance, tradition)
9Eloritu (True Neutral - History, Magic, secrets)
10Ibra (True Neutral - Celestial bodies, the cosmos, mysteries of the universe)
11Pharasma (True Neutral - Birth, death, fate, prophecy)
12Triune (True Neutral - Artificial intelligence, computers, the Drift)
13Besmara (Chaotic Neutral - Piracy, space monsters, strife)
14Oras (Chaotic Neutral - Adaption, evolution, natural selection)
15Damoritosh (Lawful Evil - Conquest, duty, war)
16Zon-Kuthon (Lawful Evil - Darkness, envy, loss, pain)
17Lao Shu Po (Neutral Evil - Assassins, rats, spies, thieves)
18Urgathoa (Neutral Evil - Disease, gluttony, undeath)
19The Devourer (Chaotic Evil - Black holes, destruction, supernovas)
20Nyarlathotep (Chaotic Evil - Conspiracies, dangerous secrets, forbidden magic)
21Roll on the Philosophies table

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Statblock Type

Generic, Random Table
