Eternal Grandmaster


Jakob Bolt | Member Since 28 Aug, 2018
74 Followers 38728 Page views 312 Likes
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Bræd seeks to put a fresh spin on the age-old ponderings of postmortem. Set in the world of The After, spirits, and souls face down an unknown existence and the existential struggle to continue it.   Initially conceptualized as a pair of lovers, one an atheist the other a believer. Following their tragic death they awake in the afterlife. To their joint surprise, this land of the dead is not as they had expected. Growing beyond the scope of the original concept, Bræd has been through several layers of iteration and has blossomed into a fully realized fantasy world.   With over Five+ years of devoted effort, Bræd has become intertwined in aspects of both my personal and professional life. Currently, I'm in the process of writing a short series of books set in the universe of Bræd and plan to release them sometime this decade.   If you're interested in learning more, follow the link below to the primer article!
Bræd Primer
Generic article | May 13, 2024

What happens when you don't awake in the afterlife you were promised?



Jacob Boldt - icastbolt

Writer | Developer | YouTuber

About me

Hey there! My name is Jacob, or rather, icastbolt as I'm known among the writing and WorldAnvil communities. Traditionally I've come from a more math and sciences background, i've gone to school with a focus on software development.  
The stories growing inside us often have other plans
  Ever since the seed of inspiration, I havn't be able to resist the temptation to weave fables. I'm not an accomplished writer, an experienced editor, or skilled novelist by any extension of the word. All I can say is I have the urge to share the world living inside me, so write I will, write I must.  


Occasionally I'll be struck with incredible inspiration and be moved to put together a video essay. Most content tends to center on facets of geek and gamer culture but I'll do anything from short duration skits to long form video essays.  
You can find my content on one of the two following channels:
  • Graey Philosophy ( link ) - Where I'll drop my long form video essays. Most content will generally be philsophical think piece or deep dive into the morally graey.
  • icastbolt ( link ) - A more personal account for shorter duration video, including skits, vlogs, and any WorldAnvil related content.

Competitive Esports

A lesser known aspect of my exploits, less so following quarantine but I used to be really deep into the competitive esports scene, specifically Super Smash Bros. I'm not a top player by any margin, but I'd be willing to wager I could give you a run for your money.
My Likes.gif

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