Heirois Lancaron Deltorin Character in Zulateks Campaign Worlds | World Anvil
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Heirois Lancaron Deltorin

Monster Hunter Heirois Lancaron Deltorin (a.k.a. The Witcher)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Only 3' 2" and 55 lbs, Witcher has a very muscular physique.

Body Features

Witcher is covered in many body scars from prior hunts.

Facial Features

Witcher has a large scare along his face from a past hunt.

Apparel & Accessories

Heirois wears the armor his grandfather willed to him, studded leather capable of poison resistance. He carries a silver sword called Silversoul and wields an oathbow called Snake's Bane.

Specialized Equipment

Heirois is specialized in hunting monstrosities, though he made a name for himself killing a witch that was a beast.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The First Monster Hunter
Heiron Deltorin first of his name was born Heiron of Soubar, a blacksmith's son. Though he learned the trade of his father, Heiron would eventually choose to join the Soubar local militia. Serving for some years, Heiron would rise to prominence and be selected as captain of the militia. After a decades worth of work, Heiron would establish a formal guard and in the guard he would travel wide. With little to do but police the countryside putting out flames, it would take many years before Heiron would be offered the opportunity to prove himself in combat. In a fierce battle, Heiron would best a local brigand but make a great enemy. For his exemplary service Heiron would be celebrated as a hero but as a hero, he would be offered a grand quest. The small village begged Heiron to slay a local legend, a supposed werewolf. The guard captain would track the beast, exemplifing his cunning, and slay it. Declared by all the village to be The Great Monster Hunter, Heiron of Soubar of the Forgotten Folk would found his house as nobility and declare his name, Deltorin. As Heiron Deltorin, the Great Monster Hunter, he would retire from his post to hunt the greatest beasts of all. As Heiron set out into the world, the guard he founded would fall but he would never faulter. Heiron would hunt his many enemies and the beasts plagueing the realm and for his life long service and his life of truth, justice, and pure loyalty; he would be given a coat of arms by the High Observer of Elturgard, the white shield. In his lifetime, Heiron would father a child and he would establish a name and in it a tradition of glory and a drive for the creation of a legend. His son would be named Braccious Heiron Deltorin, he would train under his father and learn to slay monsters of his own.   Glory in Elturgard
Given a quest by the High Observer of Elturgard to hunt an artifact and symbol of the Amaunator, Braccious would begin his legend. Braccious would travel to the Marsh of Chelimber in search of this artifact and he would find victory in his quest. In victory, he would be wounded but for his strength to return and his victory in the name of the High Observer, the Deltorin crest would be given a waved belt of valor for his adventure across the marsh. The wave would be part red for his victory and part blue for his loyalty. Before his early death, Braccious would father a son and carry on his father's tradition of building a legend, this son would be named Titus Braccious Deltorin and he would learn from his father the ways of the Monster Hunter.   Rise of the Mentor
In his life, Titus would see a great many combats. Issued bounty after bounty, Titus would rid the land of foes and fouls in single combat. Family legend holds that he would fight odds as impressive as six to one. Titus was a hard blooded warrior and he would never settle; for in his world, there was only war. For his many victories the new High Observer of Elturgard offered only a quest. Ordered to hunt a doppleganger masquerading as a foreign merchant Titus was paid to slay him, Titus would accept the quest and not the order and travel as far as Thay where he had many adventures. Upon his return two years later, he would fall briefly in love with a noblewoman and marry her whilst accepting another belt of valor upon his family crest. Giving his treasures to his love and returning to his wars, Titus would leave his wife's side to return to battle across Faerûn until unknown times. To his son, all he had truly given was the noble name, Lancaron Titus Deltorin. Lancaron would not follow in the footsteps of his ancestors and that was truly where his son, Heirois Lancaron Deltorin's story began.   Life of the Monster Hunter
Heirois would be given the opportunity to return to the Monster Hunter mantle of his fore-bearers when he was offered the opportunity to train under his grandfather. Titus, weak and roadweary, had finally returned from his adventuring. At the age of three hundred and eighty and one of the oldest gnomes around, Titus began teaching his young grandson, at the age of eleven, the truth of life. For sixty years, Titus proved to Heirois that in life there is only war. Blood for blood and sweat for sweat, Titus taught Heirois that the family motto should always ring true, "boldly and rightly." Titus taught Heirois that he must seek justice bravely and where none can be found, he must seek vengeance boldly. At the age of seventy-one, Heirois would set out ready to adventure. Armed with his creed and his wealth of knowledge, Heirois would stride forward Boldly and Rightly.

When Heirois Lancaron Deltorin still bore black hair, he dedicated his life to slaying monsters but when his face was still youthful, he trained by doing. Accepting the suggestion of Titus, Heirois had joined the local militia in Soubar as crime began to run rampant. Heirois had always dreamed of the honor of his forebearers and a place among the small militia would certainly offer him just that, much to his mother's woe. Heirois's mother taught him wisdom, intelligence, and compassion for others, and even introduced him to his mentor, his grandfather, when Titus came home. Having had the time to become more then a warrior, Titus was an astrologist and a wiseman who began to live the life of a hermit, which Heirois loved. All the while his father taught him the hardships of labor and his born duty to his fellow man and the realm but he also taught Heirois petty hate and an anger for a boy toward his father. Taking to his mother in his early years, Heirois spent time with his mentor and soaked up everything he could. Heirois learned the stars from Titus and there too he learned the history of the world and the world beyond Elturgard. As life carried Heirois, the quick-learner, forward, he fell from his hate of his father and turned it toward his smothering mother. At age sixteen Heirois passed his militia training as his bastard older brother, Taylore, had done before him. Heirois finally met his dream and became a member of the militia. He was assigned patrol duty within the militia and he would patrol the road between his small village and a founding hamlet, both surrounded by lush, green country sides and vast forests. Heirois had a very creative mind then and a vivid imagination too. He loved to hear tales from the locals and Titus' stories specifically. Along his walks, the young man would dream up stories to tell the children of each hamlet and he tried desperately to never tell a tale twice. One day, whilst recanting a tell in his favorite of the two towns an older listener passed by. She had long, wavy-blond hair, slightly-tanned skin, and gorgeous blue eyes. The beautiful lass was no older then eighteen then and her name, Heirois would learn, was Alivia. For Heirois it was love at first glance and upon the sight of him it was love at first sight for her too. He knew by her description however that she must be the lady betrothed to one of the hamlet lord's sons, Coellan, who lived in one of his father's homes in the hamlet he patrolled, Polkan. After many stories Heirois boldly spoke to the promised woman and the two threw caution to the wind. Neither one of them caring for their duties, the two teenagers would fall madly in love and spend hours together in the meadows where they begged for a strong gale to bring them together.

Hearing wild tales from the southern woods and loving to tell tales themselves, Heirois and Alivia decided to further their love in those woods. With their love consummated, she fell deeply in love with him and it caused him to know the true power behind the world. With both towns beginning to notice Heirois and Alivia's relationship and Heirois's new found bravery and bravado, rumors began to start surrounding that couple. Still betrothed, the rumor that Alivia was a whore sprang mostly from her betrothed. One day, as Heirois entered his hometown, Alivia came running up to him and embraced him, begging for him to get her out of her betrothal; for Coellan had spread a dozen dirty rumors of her only after striking her. Heirois immediately left for the hamlet, Polkan, where he knew he would find Coellan. Upon approaching the small hamlet Coellan was found standing on the edge with four of his friends. Armed with a Longsword he'd taken from Titus' stash on his way over, Heirois dueled the two friends Coellan sent forward and knocked them out.

"You there, you'll come back with me and apologize, I'll not have you spread your lies." Heirois called as he pointed his sword at Coellan. "Just because you are the son of a known fool doesn't mean you are untouchable."

"Oh, you intend to strike me for that whore?" Coellan called back. "You must be the prostitutes mark then and sullied her true!"

"I should have your tongue for that you honor-less dog." Heirois yelled in retort.

"I think my friends will have yours for that, fiend." Coellan threatened as he motioned the two remaining axe-wielding friends forward.

"You don't want to do this," Heirois warned as he dispatched the men with ease, truly his training with the blade was on his side. When one refused to yield after clearly being bested several times Heirois accidentally killed him as the man charged up from the ground. Coellan rushed Heirois whom he charged to be a murderer but with grace on his side, Heirois knocked Coellan on his backside and put his sword to Coellan's throat asking him to yield. Coellan yielded and as he did the locals, who'd been surrounding them all, ran over to help the injured. As Heirois began to walk Coellan to his home village for the apology; Heirois kicked away the axe of a man whom began to stir. The man immediately drew a dagger and plunged it into Heirois's stomach. Heirois drove his sword it into the man's chest and the other of the first two attackers charged Heirois but Heirois killed him as well. Heirois kicked the back of Coellan's knees forcing him to the ground and with the threat of his life forced him to take back his words. When Coellan recanted, Heirois fell and kicked up dirt. Nearly dying from his wounds, Heirois bleed heavily there on the path out of the hamlet; that path he'd walked safely on duty so many times before.

When Heirois awoke again he found himself in the aid of his grandfather. For his honor in a fight for honor his grandfather, who could not have been more proud, mended Heirois over a period of months. There beneath Titus' favored stars, Heirois would become whole again but only in body. Titus would tell Heirois, as he healed, that during his time in death's grasp, Alivia was arrested by Coellan who used his father's influence to persuade the hundred or so locals that the arrest was lawful. He told Heirois that a riot had broken out by the order of Coellan's bandit father and it had caused their hamlet to burn. In anger, they swiftly seized Soubar and claimed it. Taken before the people of Soubar and the new occupying bandits from Polkan, Alivia was set to be executed before that town. Dawning a cloak on the day of execution and only half healed, Heirois entered the small hamlet even though he feared he would be charged for his crimes; only to witness the execution of Alivia first hand. Heirois watched as his woman had a sack placed over her head and was hung on The Hanging Tree. Broken over the loss of his love, Heirois returned to the forest on the hill that overlooked the meadow where he and his love once rested. He vowed there that he would have vengeance on Coellan.

Time would pass though as Heirois' training continued for another fifty-five years, heart broken he would refuse to leave the forest, but as he trained, trouble brewed. The criminals and raiders and those far more barbaric would move into the town. The culture of crime would grow and the mantle of bandit leader would pass from his old and dying father to Coellan. Human refuse would consume Soubar and scatter good folk and all gnomes. Heirois's vow was stripped from him then, as the town became to much to take on, and justice would not be found by his hand, as is fate in the cruel world. Heirois watched as the forest slithered in and reclaimed Polkan but eventually he would come to know that he had to move on. Heirois would come to hate himself for his failure, Titus would pass peacefully some time after, and word would never be sent as to where his people had gathered and relocated. Heirois then managed his way toward civilization and at the age of seventy-one having killed four men he would find his way toward his first monster.

Over the next sixty years, Heirois patiently tracked over a dozen monsters and strategically slayed them one by one. He gained his own renown well into his kills when the gnome monster hunter was contracted by a noble of Waterdeep to hunt and exterminate his sister whom had transformed into a beastly witch. Heirois tracked the beast across Faerûn and he fought tooth and nail to the edge of his own life to kill the monstrosity. Celebrated as the Witch Hunter in Waterdeep, Heirois gained a few more contracts and hunted them to slaughter. Celebrated as the witch hunter, the witch slayer, and the witch slaughterer the gnome was satisfied for awhile. Eventually the "witcher," as he began to be called for brevity, met a group of bandits from his hometown. Coellan now long dead, Coellan's adult son sought to do what his father could not with minions. The Witcher slaughtered them but not without due downfall. Accused of triple homicide, after killing the minions, Heirois was run out of town and put back on the road. White-haired and one hundred and thirty-one years old, the Witcher set about his path looking for his next bounty. Having crossed the path of so many that were friendly in the north, the Witcher strode northward for Mirabar and wealth.

  The Witcher's Wild Hunts
When Heirois left home he took a pack, an idea of who he was prepared to be, and the case his grandfather had left to him. In an inn, in a private room, Heirois opened the case to reveal weapons, armor, and a note. The note read:   Dear Heirois,   Everything contained within this chest is for you my boy, your father would have no use of them. The armor should fit you fine, I wore it in my prime and it served me well. Polish the armor as I have and ensure its tacits and you will have it to pass on one day as well. You've wielded my silvered sword, Soulsilver, before but never my bow. This bow is known as an oathbow, if you remember the story I told you of it, you will remember I call it Snake's Bane and the Elven phrase that it will offer. If you will reply as I did in the story you will bring wrath upon your enemies just as in the story. Oil the strings as you were taught in training and place it with care but wield it with fury. As always, take care in sharpening Heiron's silver sword, as you know well that Soulsilver can be tempermental. Use all these things in the pursuit of monsters and never surrender. Remember my boy, with all things, go forth Boldly and Rightly.   With love, Titus    

Heirois wore the armor to fight the disgusting, and frightening, scaled enemies of his grandfather, he carried Soulsilver to slay were-creatures as his great-great grandfather had, and fired Snake's Bane to find true monstrosities in his own battles. Fully equipped, Heirois found his first contract in the very inn he geared up in.


Heirois gained his first bit of training with Titus, his grandfather, and the local militia of Soubar. Heirois became level two after defeating the bandits in Polkan. Heirois gained levels three and four in his fifty-five years of training. He became level five in his monster hunting years.


Contacts & Relations

Wizards of the Blue Thunderbolts and the Host Tower of the Arcane

Family Ties

Distant family displaced from Soubar, Elturgard.

Religious Views

The faith of his home nation, Torm.

Known as the Witcher, this gnome monster hunter and former witch slayer wants nothing more then coin, ale, and a purpose. Toss a coin to the Witcher and your bounty is as good as dead.

Current Location
Traveling the Sword Coast
View Character Profile
Neutral Good
Soubar, Elturgard, Faerûn
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White-ish Gray
3' 2"

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Heirois and the Nothic
5th of Hammer, 1493

In an inn in Phandalin, Eldred and Osa spoke with Sildar before heading out toward a local adventurer. At the orchard, Eldred introduced The Outsiders and, seeing his symbol of Tyr, Heirois greeted the old adventurer as a friend of Torm. The adventurer offered information and a keg of cider for informing him about the Old Owl Well. At the town's second inn, the party attempted to interact with a group of local thugs but they picked a fight with Eldred and he slaughtered them. At the end of it all, the last among them tried for Witcher thinking him weak and standbackish. Witcher punched his teeth out with Soulsilver and after queued up by Osa, he started a line of questioning before cutting his finger off. Carrying a head he was handed by Eldred, the thug left off into the woods forever onward. The Outsiders met with Harbin, the town master, and agreed to help remove the local gang. Once The Outsiders snuck into the manor, they were met with a nothic. It tried to reason with the party but Heirois' hate for monsters practically forced him to kill it.   "A deal isn't a deal in Faerûn unless you shake my hand." Heirois demanded as the nothic appeared with threats.   With apologetic eyes the Witcher looked to his compatriots and grabbed the nothic's hand and pulled it close whilst drawing and stabbing his blade into his stomach. Witcher pulled the sword out and slammed it back into the nothic's shoulder as Eldred shadow stepped across the room and stabbed two massive holes into its hide. Osa fired four arrows into the nothic before it gave us a soul chilling smile before he issued a threat and disappeared.   "I will see you in the dark, liar."   Down lower under the manor the party faced down some bugbears, Heirois slayed a bugbear named Mosk, and then they questioned a goblin named Droop. It told them that the southern bridge under the manor was a trap activated by more weight then a goblin. He then lead the party to the nothic's stash where, from a box, Heirois drew a sword from a black scabbard with Talon written on it. The sword was of beautiful make and had a hilt shaped to be a bird with its wings spread, Heirois thought it to likely be famous. After Droop guided The Outsiders toward the leader of the gang, Heirois decided not to let the virgin blood letting of Talon in his hands be a goblin named Droop.   When Eldred looked through the keyhole of the leader's workshop door, he shadow stepped though the hole and slaughtered a rat that was acting as a lookout for the leader. Then Eldred pushed into the mage's room and with several artistic blows with the hilt of his knife, he knocked out the mage in just a moment. Osa and Heirois then flooded into the room, Eldred bound and gagged the man, Heirois noticed that he was trying to create potion of invisibility with the notes Eldred took, Osa found a secret passageway out, and then Heirois found some vials of components in a chest on the floor. The group opted to take the mage back out the way they came. After he was locked up, they came back the next day and run off the thieves. The Outsiders found some captured locals and returned them to town but don't find the dwarves. The party ended up finding plenty of goods to sell off.

Witcher and the Goblin Slaughter
28 of Nightal, 1492

After a long rest in the cave, resting there for nearly a day, The Outsiders returned to the ruin where Hamun Kost was hiding out on the 29th. Asked to find a banshee in order to know whom built the necromancer's new home, The Outsiders ventured to the ruins of a small town. After a cursory search, The Outsiders set out to find the banshee. She told the group that the wizard Arthindol built the tower long ago and they marched to the necromancer and arrived early in the morning. Learning what they could, the group set out toward Phandalin and were ambushed along the road by goblins from both side. Snapping off a shot, the Witcher fired wildly as the little creatures charged in. An arrow whizzed over Osa's head, who was in the lead, and another one sank well short of the group as the leader ran up and chucked a javelin at her. After the javlin planted in the ground Heirois rapid fired two more at the boss but they sailed wild. Arrows bounced off Osa's shield before she threw it down and drew her bow. Firing three arrows she pierced the boss and sent him straight to death's door but remained on his feet. An arrow sliced through Osa's arm as another cut through her side as more rained in around her. Another struck her rightly as Eldred cast a shadow of darkness around the southern ambushers. The boss stood his ground but as Witcher fired an arrow, it sunk through a little goblin he used as a shield. The second arrow found its mark and the boss died as Osa stepped into the darkness to consume a potion. An arrow cut through Witcher's arm as javelin pierced his upper thigh. Witcher dodged two more arrows before one stabbed into his shoulder but with a scream of anger he fired two of his own arrows and near cut down a goblin before another arrow found him as he tactically retreated. As Osa stepped out and cut into a goblin, Heirois took an arrow before Eldred came out and slaughtered a goblin and vanished. A sword clanged off Osa's armor as another arrow zipped by the Witcher. Parrying, Osa kept herself from blows as the Witcher sank an arrow deep through a goblin and killed him, still retreating. Osa swung her sword wildly at three goblins and killed two of them as the one left standing cut her back. The last of the archers started to run away as Eldred killed the last of the goblins in the fray. Closing his eyes, Witcher took a breath, anchored, and sent a shot 145 ft. before it eviscerated the neck of the fleeing goblin. The Witcher pulled an arrow from his shoulder and cured his wounds before The Outsiders set out to follow the cart trail of the horses that alerted them to an ambush. Along the trail Witcher disabled a hook trap, Osa then found another and Witcher declared, "fool us once, shame on them; fool us twice, shame on us. We need to be active about looking for traps."   On the trail the party of adventures, as Eldred was so fond of calling them, found a stream. The stream ran up to a cave entrance and into it. Nearby, goblins who were playing dice met an ambush from The Outsiders. With a wave, Eldred called the group up for it but cut the head off one goblin and stabbed the heart of another before the other to members even arrived. Inside, Eldred found wolves restrained. Witcher put two arrows in one, Eldred put a dagger into the same one and killed it and then killed another with the same attack, then Osa dropped the last. Climbing some rocks to a chute, the group slipped into a higher layer and hid behind stalagmites. Osa looked around the room, a large bugbear, two goblins, and a massive wolf laid within her sight. She drew back along with the Witcher and her arrow found a goblin true and killed him. Just as the Witcher fired, her second shot cut down another goblin and then witcher's two soared as Eldred charged. Swinging wildly at Klarg, Eldred's daggers cut deep. Then, the Witcher sent killing shots deep into the wolf. Osa hacked into Klarg as Eldred drove his daggers deep, killing him. Eldred then charged and killed another goblin as Heirois jogged up and then followed. He then skittered an arrow off one's shoulder before it took a flight of fear and ate Eldred's dagger. Another fled, warning the next, before Osa misty stepped and killed the warned. Caught in the back, in a fatal funnel, Heirois could only watch as his companions chopped through more goblins. Eldred called to have a man healed and the Witcher did so, one hand on a shoulder and he healed. Another hand and healing, Witcher sat him up and the man introduced himself. Shaking the fifty year old human Sildar Hallwinter's hand, Witcher healed him again in the greeting. He told the party that he traveled with Gundren to find the mines and they'd further lost a wizard friend known as Arno. A goblin offered a location to a castle and a mentioned a king, he suggested more then twenty inhabitants and begged and even had Eldred promise not to kill him. He said, "if I hadn't do it [capture Sildar] Klarg would have fed me to the wolves."   To which the Witcher replied as he drew his silvered blade, Soulsilver, "now I'm the wolf."   As the goblin bled on the floor with an open neck, the party gathered some stolen items and reassembled the wagon that Sildar rode in on. As usual, Heirois wanted nothing from the group but company, he offered them the goods and the profit to go along with them. They decided to divide the coin instead. After two and a half days of travel, as Northlander pulled the wagon, The Outsiders arrived in Phandalin and sold the spare goods.

Heirois and the Orcs
13th of Nightal, 1492

The Outsiders, after a nice meal, set out upon the town to find items of desire for Eldred and Osa. Eldred bought a ring of protection and Osa bought a new shield before they met with Falden Rochseeker. He asked The Outsiders to seek out his cousins in Phandlin, Gundren and Nundro, and ensure their safety. Before setting out, Heirois bought a pony for riding. On the 17th, The Outsiders rode to Xantharl's Keep Heirois on his new mount. By the 21st, they arrived at Longsaddle and took a stroll, at a mage's home they discussed the Lost Mine and the Wave Echo Cave and learned that it was near Ice Spire Peak. On the road again they pushed to Triboar but had to stop short, down the path Heirois named his horse Northlander. In the night the group was attacked by shadowed dogs and they managed to kill one of the caravan guards. Heirois awoke and with two swipes of his sword slayed one and watched as one of those among the wagon clubbed another to death. The last alive, though another was killed before Heirois awoke, took Osa to the ground before Eldred put one of his knives in its back before butchering it. In Triboar the heroes rested before setting out toward Old Owl Well where they encountered the undead that they very much expected. The necromancer there requested that the group take out an orc camp to the south whilst Heirois watched from the hill. Upon the camp, the Eladrin fired two shots to Heirois' one but his shot, sworn to the bow, passed right though the orc and killed it instantly. Inside Osa slipped up to a wall and killed and orc. Swearing two enemies one after the other, Heirois loosed an arrow under the bow at the hip and then another over the top at the hip and felled them both, orc blood permeating the ground. Charging the line, Eldred stepped up and parried blows in front of Heirois as Osa met in combat with the leader of the orcs. The ogre tore down the hallway and swung wildly as Eldred and Osa fought valiantly, slapping an arrow on the bow Heirois tore down one and swore on the ogre as Eldred cut it out from under his feet. An orc had hid and plead for his life but Heirois walked up and put an arrow in his head at near point blank range; afterward Heirois took the time to heal Osa as she tended her wounds.

Heirois and the Outsiders
10th of Nightal, 1492

Low on coin, Heirois found warm welcome in the north in an inn called the Steel Tankard but when one fool, who believed Heirois would be an easy mark in an arm wrestle, got beaten; Heirois established a nice line of credit with the bar. Heirois established a new temporary base in Mirabar, a wealthy mining city ruled by the Marchion Selin Ramur. Heirois learned that the dwarven miners often, inadvertently, release monsters into the population. Looking for a job, Heirois learned that one such monster was recently released and more so he learned that an entire complex was recently uncovered that houses many monstrosities. Hearing the call from the Council of Sparkling Stones, a group owing to the Marchion but strong on their own, Heirois knew that the people would be desperate and willing to pay handsomely to clear the section of the mine or close it off. Gathering information on the mine, Heirois learned that the mine, the Undercity, was largely controlled by the dwarves and supplied the town with much of its wealth. Paying whom he needed, Heirois learned what he needed from the Shield Dwarves below and took the time to contemplate a team.   On the morning of the 10th of Nightal, 1492, Heirois walked down stairs and met some adventurers as he took a seat. After learning that they are fellow wayfarers, he invited them to a potential job. As he was telling the group of the monsters in the mine, Lady Bargalah walked in and introduced herself. Heirois met the lady well, with a bow, and continued his meal. Later, along with The Outsiders, Heirois ventured into the Undercity to look for information about the monsters below. The Outsiders and Heirois ventured into the Ringing Hammer to find his contact, a dwarf named Colf. They told us that they were working on a passage way to the far west, the monsters were hungry for flesh. They described the beasts as beetle-like, six to seven feet tall, with clawed hands. Heirois had heard of them, Hook Horrors, he told the dwarves that they were lucky to escape with their lives and toasted to them. Osa asked about poison and learned of none but gathered that they were strong and could climb. The Outsiders agreed to meet the dwarf at the entrance the following day and then met Bargalah back at the Steel Tankard.   Inside of Bargalah's exquisite tower the lady brought Heirois a tome that he cracked open, Common Monstrosities of the Underdark. Folded into the book was a schematic for a clockwork device that could potentially confuse a Hook Horror. Down in the Undercity, The Outsiders had a gnome make the device and then they ventured back to the Ringing Hammer. At the entrance to the mines they gathered for a monster hunt, and then Clof let them inside with an enchanted device for closing off the open section.   The damp heat of the air upon them, they pushed forward in a vee pattern cautiously. At a split in the path, Heirois closed his eyes as his friends advanced but all of a sudden the Horrors were upon them. One charged Eldred and Osa and the other charged Heirois. Osa fired away with her bow striking the creature and once upon them Eldred cut into it. The other charged straight up to Heirois but he faced it down. Heirois dropped his bow and the device, which set off, and cut into the beast with Soulsilver. Eldred slayed one Horror as an older female charged the pair. Osa sliced into her with her sword as the one that charged Heirois stabbed into him. With two massive slices, the little gnome tore into the Horror with vigor. The female thrashed about, missing her attacks, as Eldred buried his sword into the Horror killing it. Osa charged the creature and slammed into it shield first before using her blade like a butcher.   In the air of butchering, Heirois cut off a hook with Osa's sword and then gave the sword to her and she used it to cut off a toe claw. Heirois then took the time to heal his compatriots and collect his bow and device. Still slightly bleeding, the Outsiders and the Witcher pressed on. Eldred closed off the section of the mine that brought the Horrors but as they swept the mind they found a Drider, a monstrosity created by Lolth. Eldred charged in with a furry of blows sending black blood all over. Heirois pulled his bow and fired two arrows whispering, "swift death to you who have wronged me" in Elven to his bow in reply to it saying, "swift defeat to my enemies" in Elven. As his companions ripped into the creature Heirois continued to miss shots and they eviscerated the being but the final shot, that slammed into its head, was from Snake's Bane.   After a short rest, and the realization that Osa and Eldred were from The Tower, and a conversation about those lost; the Outsiders continued. Down another path Osa was caught in the path of a Roper. It started to suck her in as Eldred charged to the attack. Striking a massive hit with Snake's Bane, Heirois watched as in another moment it took a bite of Osa. Osa freed herself as Eldred attacked, as another of Heirois' arrows struck so did Eldred and he gutted the creature. Heirois saw truly that he wasn't wrong in admitting his appreciation for these people.   After clearing the entire dungeon, the Outsiders opened the door out of the mine on the first hours of the 13th of Nightal, 1492. After rest and work done on Osa's armor as well as a heroes meal, the Outsiders agreed to continue adventuring through laughs, drinks, revelry, a hook ornament made into a trophy in the Ringing Hammer, and the Witcher throwing the device to release on a table.


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