The First King Part 1 Plot in Zoedar | World Anvil
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The First King Part 1

The main character of this story is he Angel of Light, an Alaran noble woman (or equivalent thereof) who is pregnant. She has her baby and there is immediate scandal for the child is born without wings. The only time this has ever happened was when one of the parents was Human or Elven. She is put under house arrest for a time. During that time her lover comes to visit her, his identity is not revealed at this time. He wants her to name him the father, she refuses because she knows something bad is coming. Later she is put in jail with the child for refusing to hand over the father. The queen and the prophetess conspire against her and the child and claim it is Sadea’s will that the child and mother die – unless she give up the father, then the child and the father will die. She refuses to the bitter end and is executed. One of her dear friends is sent with the child to the Human world to carry out the execution. She can’t and ends up giving the child to a human woman.

Plot points/Scenes

1) Main Character in her cottage chatting with the midwife. She is pregnant and the pregnancy is progressing well thought the midwife is concerned about how small the main character's belly is 2) The birth: There is silence from the women when the baby is born, and the Main Character panics a little. But then the baby starts to cry. She wants to hold the baby but the midwife hesitates. She starts to panic again. "He's fine, he's healthy, but he has no wings." 3) A few weeks later and the Main Character is under house arrest. The midwife has just left and everything is fine with mother and child. Except the child has no wings. This is illegal under Alaran law because they assume the father must be from the surface, either a human or an elf. She refuses to name the father. The father, who is Alaran, comes to speak with her. He asks if she's ashamed of him. She is not ashamed, she is protecting him. He begs her to turn him in to save herself but she refuses and makes him promise not to come forward. 4) Main character before the queen. When she still refuses to name the father she is sent to prison, with the baby. Her lover visits her in her dreams. 5) The Queen asks the Oracle for guidance. The Oracle is afraid and lies about what she sees. She says the child and the guilty parent must be put to death. If the mother will not name the father then she is guilty. 6) At the final trial the mother will not name the father so the mother is sentenced to execution and the child is given to the Alaran of War to be taken to the planet's surface and killed. In her final moments, the mother is granted a waking dream by her lover and she dies feeling his touch on her cheek. 7) On the surface, the Alaran of War is having trouble killing the child. She comes face-to-face with a young farm woman. The woman agrees to take the baby and raise it as her own. The Alaran returns home and declares the deed done.
Plot type
Short Story Outline

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