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An Ash'engu in the research sector of the Brood, Jeltet is classed as a Carrion rank.  


Jeltet is an impulsive, rash member of the brood that manages to succeed amongst her peers due to her relationship with the Broodmother's second-in-command Roddag. Not that she sees it that way.   She has an intense curiosity about things. A desire to travel and see the unknown universe without the overbearing oversight of the brood. The brood is not a hivemind, although at times Jeltet feels as if it is, others of her brood seeming to be able to predict her actions before she's even done them. In reality, Jeltet is just predictable. Those who know her, know that anything shiny or new will have her bee-lining towards it.  


As an Ash'engu, Jeltet has sleek blue skin, with hers tilting towards the paler end of the spectrum. She has smaller, less impressive pointed teeth than other females of her rank, which has forever provided an issue for her, and her desire to bear them aggressively without much provocation.   On the shorter and slighter end of the spectrum for Ash'engu, Jeltet stands at around only around 5 feet.  


Keress: A fellow Carrion rank in the research sector of the Brood, these two have an antagonistic, competitive relationship. Jeltet believes that Keress is obsessed with rules and regulations, Keress believes that Jeltet is a liability. Both are correct in their own way. Of a similar age, Keress is Jeltet oldest 'friend', companion, and acquaintance. Their exact relationship depends on what stage of their lives the two Ash'engu are at. Training alongside one another, paired together for study when they were admitted into the research sector, they know each other better perhaps than all else.   Roddag: The Broodmother's second-in-command, a male with no ability to seek a mate. Even if he could, Jeltet wouldn't want to be bound to him forever anyway. He's overbearing and rude, and his place in society is stifling. Quietly, Jeltet is unsure where she stands with him. Why he continues to be interested in her. Although Roddag cannot take a mate, his position draws the eye of many Ash'engu. Roddag could feasibly have any companion he wanted, official or not. Instead, he continues to return to Jeltet at her whim or his. At times, she's unsure why he bothers.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Blue, hairless, lithe

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Dec 13, 2023 00:12

He's overbearing and rude, and his place in society is stifling.
<< Sounds like the best.

What would an ocean be without a monster lurking in the dark?
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Dec 13, 2023 23:05

>:3 I like him

Jan 2, 2024 18:22

To give a more indepth comment for the New Years :: Seeing the rough outline of the relationship dynamic between Jeltet and the other two Keress and Roddag has, as always, prompted me to want to see the writings with them. So ya know, get on that. But also because I do want to read the things with the Ash'engu, since I think they're particularly fascinating. The potential for drama too is just... Gib.   I do think that you've got a nice spread, or social disparity, between them that it'd be a neat way to explore some of the world and the race while keeping it a character focused story. Which I'm generally all for since that's mah favorite. 8D

What would an ocean be without a monster lurking in the dark?
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