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A good friend once told me, any thinking man (or woman, for all that it matters) will, under the right circumstances, categorize his existence in the grand scheme of things and inevitably find himself annoyed. Such is the sentiment of a man in servitude, for any sincere pondering on the matter would reveal that lines have somehow become crossed and now resemble more of a web than anything productive. Such is the life of most humans – wound up, annoyed, and constrained by the web they have allowed themselves to entertain. Understanding such a state is the purpose of the Zerth.   My name is Gustav D. Gustav, and I am a Human. I make the distinction because it’s necessary that I clarify, given my current situation. I write this introduction with the intent of enriching the lives of those who have found themselves bound-up and retarded by their own aspirations, as an alternative is available to those who are willing to take the plunge. For those amenable to entertain what might best be describe as a surrogate existence (which is how I prefer to think of it), a vast system has been established, allowing the willing to unmask their true potential and fully realize their intended state. Now, when I say ‘intended state’, this is all conjecture, but it would be dishonest of me to omit my own personal bias, as I feel that I can comment on the situation with some authority. You see, though only 42 years of age, I have experienced over 60 years of consciousness. Now that the naysayers and professional skeptics are out of the way, allow me to explain in terms you might best accept.   There is a place I hang my heart, far away from the hazards and horrors of earthly life, where the soul is free to wander and flourish – taking root within the fertile soil of limitless imagination and blossoming wild into whatever form one’s restless heart desires. Fantasy? Most certainly, but I assure you, that word has no bearing on its authenticity. Picture a world where the sun never sets, the beer never goes flat and there’s always room at the table for more. Imagine dashing in front of a speeding bus and being flattened, only to return to laugh at the horrified distortion of your own lips as they’ve been peeled over your own battered face. Envision an ocean of uncharted mystery and a sky, just as accessible as the car in your driveway, all a quick step from your front door. Imagine building your dream home as quickly as you can dream it, and the materials are plentiful and free. And picture a wealth of relationships – family and friends of all kinds, all trusting and willing to share in the experience. Is it paradise? I would say so, but most are content to call it Zerth.   I call this place home because I was only born on Earth once, whereas Zerth has granted me dozens of opportunities to draw my first breath. As I digress, Bill Murray makes the case that repetitive suicide would inevitably result in boredom – I can personally attest to the opposite. All grim fantasy aside, consider this introduction to be my way of opening the door for you. I’ve been told that my writing lacks a certain amount of warmth (which I acknowledge), so in the interest of bringing more excitement into the narrative, I’ve asked those closest to me to share the following works in their own way. I urge you to take whatever you can from its contents and allow it to cultivate the infinite within your own mind – after all, you are what it’s all about.