Owsteel. Material in Zeria | World Anvil
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This black steel is the source of their confidence, rid them of it and they will crawl and beg for mercy.   -Widrad Son Unigar, General of the Yutag sand dunes regiment.


Material Characteristics

It's Pure jet black.

Physical & Chemical Properties

It's surprisingly Cold, ice cold. And absorb magic energy to become harder. The more magic it has the more solid it becomes.


The tools, weapons, materials, buildings, basically 99% of all of Aologi Empire use this material for evryday objects.

Geology & Geography

It can be found everywhere that has a jet black ground and soil. Where even the rivers turn black.

Origin & Source

It is unknown when it first appear but the first man to utelize it's components to everyday life.

Life & Expiration

It last forever and doesn't rust nor break unless you purposefully intend so. How long it last is still calculated but right now it is said since the great Capital city of Anur, 2689 years and still going.

History & Usage


Back then this lands were feared for they absorb , magic and render the people magicless like the owls. So the Owlians use it to take back their own freedom led by Owl Loki an establish an Empire that streches the whole Duoem Continent.


Discovered before the Liberation Era and first use inthe year 0012 by the tribe leader in the Duoem Continent, Warlord Greyuras Litarus as a weapon and fence.

Everyday use

Everything, from tables, armors, chairs, spoon, bottle canisters, and etc.

Cultural Significance and Usage

They are commonly use in the rites of the male wing tags and in some places before the emperor could spread his wisdom to, they are use as shields and worship as divine relics of the devils before the Emperor Owl Loki shed them his knowledge. And one of the Foundation of the Aologi Empire.

Industrial Use

Pottery, arms, tools, ships, and etc.


They are usually refine to remove the smell so that beast won't chase them. And reshape.

Manufacturing & Products

Primarily weapons, vehicles, and Containers.


It absorbs all magic in the vacinity rendering normal humans from using magic. Since the Owlians can't even use magic in the first place they benefit from this.

Environmental Impact

It causes all natural life to turn black before refinements. From black snow, black sea, and the famous eternal night.

Reusability & Recycling

Once broken it can be melted and reforge to be use once again.


Trade & Market

Usually the Aologi Empire would use this as a black mail to sky rocket the price as high as possible if you wish to reed the mineral from their lands. And pretty much an exotic mineral only useful for the Aologi Empire.


Just put it anywhere. It can be stored in a liquid, solid or gas state which is rare.

Law & Regulation

The world bans the usage off this mineral thanks to it's effect of absorbing magic. But the Aologi Empire flip the middle finger to the world rule and use it anyway and no one can stop them to do so.


0.08 till 78.887
For beings with magic it's worthless and garbage, a diseases. For the Owlians it's a relic and luxury tat every Owlians must have to protect them self.
According to the climate. Mint if snow, Vanilla in spring, Tea leaves in fall depending in each Countries, and Chocolates in summer. This still baffles the scientist till now.
They have no taste and who wants to eat that!
Jet black.
Boiling / Condensation Point
800 degrees Celsius.
Melting / Freezing Point
1000 degree celsius.
Common State
Solid, liquid, and rarely gas.
Related Species

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