Forgotten Tides in Zentrum | World Anvil
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Forgotten Tides

The Forgotten Tides, situated between the Eastern Coast of Caerbraith and the Western Shores of Equinoxia, represent a significant body of water in the northern reaches of Zentrum. Its waters intertwine the influences of the frigid Northern Ocean, the tides flowing from the Occidental Ocean, and the currents originating from the Alizemare Ocean through the Seam of the World.  

Historical Significance

The name "Forgotten Tides" stems from the historical challenges posed by these waters to sailors. The difficult winds created by the Seam of the World made sailing from the Alizemare Ocean nearly impossible, contributing to the sea's elusive nature. The roguish explorer Dexter Caerbraith, known for his daring exploits, discovered a route through the Northern Ocean during warm seasons, providing access to the Forgotten Tides. This newfound passage opened up opportunities for travel and trade among the old-world Yoski residing in Caerbraith.  

Confluence of Diverse Waters

The Forgotten Tides serve as a confluence point for diverse water sources, creating a unique blend of maritime influences. The frigid currents from the Northern Ocean collide with the tides from the Occidental Ocean, resulting in a dynamic and challenging maritime environment. This complex interplay of waters has shaped the character of the Forgotten Tides and contributed to its reputation as a formidable navigational challenge.  

Trade and Cultural Exchange

The accessibility of the Forgotten Tides through the Occidental Ocean has facilitated trade and cultural exchange among the Yoski communities of Caerbraith and other regions. The sea has become a conduit for maritime activities, connecting previously isolated populations and fostering interactions between the denizens of Equinoxia and Caerbraith.
Projection Map showing the Forgotten Tides seaway

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