Passionate Soul Rank/Title in Zealor | World Anvil
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Passionate Soul

"He had done it. The combination of the 8 emotions cloaked around him. Chaos was his to master. Passion radiated from every cell in his body. Every ounce of his spirit, soul, and focus were directed towards his goal. He was no longer a sentient being... but a passionate soul.: - Pelios, benefactor of the defenders of Zeal


  The Passionate Soul is a legend passed down between all the sentient species of Zealor. The Passionate Soul is a legendary moniker granted to a Zealomancer (someone who practices Zealomancy) who can manifest all 8 different emotions at once. This power breaks through the confines of the sentient mind and allows said Zealomancer to focus their entire being on something. In doing so, they can feel passionate about any cause they choose, bending their mind and their ability to accomplish things. While this may just seem like having a strong work ethic, in the hands of a Zealomancer, this can help ascend the mind to a higher power level. The unbridled focus on a goal and passion for said goal can be used as an incredibly powerful weapon for Zealomancers.   In addition to the power of passion, someone with this title has the ability to control the element of chaos. Chaos is an element manifested from feeling all 8 primary emotions at once (usually through immense memory tampering) and then manifesting the elements corresponding to said emotions. While the actual form chaos takes has been debated for millennia, it is theorized that it's similar to that of an illusion. Unlike most other elements, chaos is completely subject to the user's will. While some other elements can be altered based on psychological factors (water + air = fog or ice), chaos takes this to the extreme by being anything the user desires. While the other emotions and powers of the mind are small extensions of the limitless potential of a sentient dream to imagine, chaos is a full gateway between this potential and reality. This means that the powers of the Passionate soul are no longer stuck to basic elemental combinations, but are now expanded to anything they can imagine. This is why the passionate soul's power is so unimaginably great. Anything they think of can be manifested into reality.    


  While the Passionate Soul is the highest title a Zealomancer can attain, it is so scarcely achieved that it is usually associated with one man. The legend of the Passionate Soul stems back to the antiquity of Zealor when the Empire of Zeal was at its strongest on Amgine. The original Passionate Soul was a man who defended Zeal during many trying times. His first test of power was during the triangle conflict, a legendary conflict in which The Passionate Soul defended the Senturica and the Zealian Empire from the three gods. It is said that the three gods surrounded the city and attempted to use their ancient powers of the mind to destroy every sentient species they had created. This was the struggle in which the Passionate Soul found his power. The danger of the battle elevated his ability to focus, and he was able to find the power of chaos. While we do not know what he molded chaos into, it is made clear that the struggle didn't continue much further. In the explorer Enigma of the Sun's journal, he states how he was told the truth of events past when exploring Amgine:    
"He enlightened me. It was on that day that the gods of Zealor fell to their own creation. It was in that moment that it all became clear. The sentient mind was the most powerful force in all of Zealor." - Enigma of the Sun
  Post triangle conflict, the Passionate Soul became a hero of Zealian society. It was in this time that the legend of the Passionate soul grew. With the most powerful Zealomancer in the entire world by their side, the Zealian empire grew to have the strongest military force of all time. The elite Zealomancers of this force were ironically dubbed the "Order of Chaos". This name was intentionally created as a double entendre. The first meaning is an order of Zealomancers named after the element of chaos, while the second being a group of people who can control chaos (only the Passionate Soul could do this but the name was still fitting). During this era, Zeal prospered more than ever before as the Order, led by the Passionate Soul, prevented any harm from coming to the empire. However, this came to an end 21 years after the triangle conflict. On the day of Darkest Zeal, a being known as the heartless launched a full-scale attack on the Empire of Zeal. The entire order fought against the invading forces, but in the end the final conflict came down to the Passionate Soul and the Heartless. This battle ended with the eradication of the heartless, at the supposed cost of the Passionate Soul's life. With his death, the Order of Chaos was disbanded, and the empire of Zeal fell to ruin.    


  The Passionate Soul is a title known throughout all Zealor, and as such is indicative of the highest level of prestige. This title signifies that you are one of the greatest Zealomancers to ever live, and is extremely rarely given out. The only Passionate Soul in the history of Zealor was the original, yet this doesn't immediately write off the possibility of another being created. Currently, an elusive organization has been experimenting with the effects of artifical willpower technology (A.W.T). It is thought that these efforts are all an attempt to create another Passionate Soul. To combat this, a group of 7 young Zealomancers known as the Protectors of Zeal have been brought together by a mysterious benefactor named Pelios. While the original goal of the group was to create a trained Order of Zealomancers to combat the organization, it has now been revealed that the original intention was to lead one of the prospects on the path to becoming a Passionate Soul. This race will decide the fate of the sentient races. Will the organization create a Passionate Soul to end all sentience, or will the Protectors of Zeal create a Passionate Soul to protect it. It is a race to decide the question that has been pondered since the triangle conflict. Does the sentient mind deserve to exist? While the three gods and the Heartless seemed to think not, the undying conviction of the original Passionate Soul stopped them. Yet, if fate is forced to pose this question again, does that imply the answer was false to begin with?
Chaos Manifestation
How chaos is manifested
  • Empire of Zeal
  • Order of Chaos
  • Defenders of Zeal
  • The Organization
Magical, Honorific

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