Salthræn Myth in Zammintar | World Anvil
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Salthræn is the god of abundance, harvest, and fertility. His worshippers range from farmers to mothers and even bankers. Many small symbols devoted to this god are strewn about civilized society some by the bed side others on seals of a bank. The symbol by which this god is known is that of an overflowing chalice. Worship of him is done in many ways but the most common in larger cities is marry making and imbibement of copious amounts of wines and spirits. This differs from his worship in the field or in a church as in the field a sacrifice of some crops or livestock is often used and in churches wine is poured into sacred chalices until it spills upon the altars. Of all the creatures it is fabled that Salthræn roams among the world as a chipmunk and so his followers worship the small creature. Bountiful harvest, pregnancies and wealth are often seen as blessings from him and as such his following is vast. The homeless, poor, and hungry are believed to have angered him in some way and it is not uncommon for the churches in larger cities to ignore those groups.   Salthræn is seen as the doting husband of Krothgir. The worship of Salthræn is believed to be as old as humanity itself but an exact time is unknown. It is said the reason for the lack of Scrofa population is due to drawing his ire when the Scrofa ransacked a large farming community. In an attempt to stop the spread of civilization they burned the land and salted its ground preventing growth for generations. In response it is believed that Salthræn sent a drought for their fires, a severe famine for the food destroyed and infantility among the race for the generations of crops that would never grow.

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