The Deep Dunes Geographic Location in Zami Ramal | World Anvil
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The Deep Dunes

Away from the towns and cities of Zami Ramal, deep in the heart of the land, the hot, dry desert covers everything. The humidity is close to none, the wind constantly blows dust across the tall sand dunes and dust devils rise and whirl across the ground, many feet into the air. The sand itself is fine-grained and almost silver, formed from wind erosion of the pale rocks that underlay the dune lands, infrequently protruding like great white ships shimmering in the heat haze. The temperature in the deep dunes is extreme, from searing in the day to freezing at night and the uncharted sands are usually avoided by travellers and creatures alike.


This is a hot, dry desert formed of sand dunes overlaying pale base rock. Mostly featureless, a few peaks of rock rise from the deep sands. The one notable geographical feature is the Great Lake at Subhas Oasis which has been described as an ancient site of a great cataclysm. It is written that the shape of the lake resembles the shape of a drop of water allowed to fall into a pond. Whatever caused the massive crater also brought forth strange formations and combinations of caves, spring and subterranean rivers.

Fauna & Flora

Few living things inhabit the deep dunes. Rolling thorny bushes are blown across the sand, often gathering in piles at the foot of dunes or rocky outcrops. Occasionally vultures can be seen circling overhead, indicating something dead or dying beneath.

Natural Resources

There is nothing to be taken away from the deep dunes but weariness and exhaustion.
Alternative Name(s)
The Thirsty Sands

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