Abjurer's Flower Species in Yule | World Anvil
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Abjurer's Flower

Found in the forests surrounding Vapore, the blue plants known as the Abjurer's Flowers are a rather bizarre example of magical lifeform. Plants of this kind are able to channel magic trough their root system and exploit it to defend themselves from predators. For this reason they are sought out by wizards and scholars,
Leonard Teapot, Botanical Treatise

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

The Abjurer's flower grows near streams in the forest surrounding Vapore.
Any apptempt made to grow them artificially or magically failed.

Biological Cycle

This unusual flower also has an unusual biological cycle. It blossoms during Winter, when its flowers peek out of the snow, and lays seeds at the beginning of the Spring. The seeds stay dormant until the cold arrives, seemingly in a state of magical stasis.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Abjurer's Flowers take their name from their ability to defend themselves from any harm trough a magic barrier. Despite their short stem, these flowers have an extended web of roots that are able to reach up to 20 ft. underneath the surface. Trough their roots are able to channel raw magic force coming from the Core and use them to protect themselves.
Because of this ability are very valued by spellcasters who seek them out to extract their magic essence to brew potions or imbue magic items, but are also very dangerous to collect.
In particular the seeds of these flowers are a fundamental ingredient used to brew healing potions, and the petals are grinded to extract an oil used to produce spellboo ink.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Exemplars have been found in the forests surrounding Vapore. It is unknown if there are colonies elsewhere.
Scientific Name
Flos Abrenuntiatio

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