Tienepítha Tradition / Ritual in Ysireth | World Anvil


Tienepítha is a competitive game that revolves around arcane creature constructs (elothien) that a participant (tienias) guides through a challenge or along a course.   The game is played strategically but primarily features a live, one-on-one contest of speed, strength, agility, endurance, or combat prowess between an elothien from each tienias or, more rarely, a small team of elothien (lielothien) from each participant.   The kinvari cannot directly affect or control their elothien or the physical or arcane elements of the challenge, so their guidance and instructions can only be given with verbal or somatic communication.  


  An elothien is an arcane construct that has been modeled after a living animal via the ezaluph ritual. Elothien are often summarized as echoes or animated templates of a real creature.   An elothien is visibly and tactilely unreal, being translucent and tangible but distinctly not made of flesh and bone, but it responds to physical sensations as a real animal would. Unlike a real animal, however, an elothien's emotional intelligence and trainability is not limited to its species and is instead tied to its bond and history with its tienias.   An elothien lacks the expected strength and mass for its animal species, so a horse elothien cannot bear a rider and may barely be able to carry a kinvar-sized pack. A charging bull elothien will have a proportionate effect on another elothien, but will have a greatly reduced impact against any normal physical object or living creature. It is not impossible for an elothien to cause damage or injury, but it is more difficult than their species would imply.   Despite being solely an arcane creation based on a living creature, elothien are often anthropomorphized and treated as sentient individuals themselves. Treating an elothien as a simple construct will often generate social disapproval, regardless of the reality of its existence. This disparity between reality and emotion is the source of nearly all conflict and disagreement surrounding the game, both for participants and spectators.


Tienepítha is a game inspired by Hymvari customs of horse races, hunting hound competitions, and cock fights. However, as Aeldvari are not so callous about the health and well-being of other living creatures, the originators of this sport chose to use their arcane talents to create magical constructs of animals.   While the game's creation is not attributable to any one kinvar, one name is still known and praised: Styrr, the dar'Aeldvar who designed and perfected the ezaluph: the arcane ritual used to create a new elothien. In order to provide a challenge to participants that did not rely solely on their pre-existing arcane knowledge and skills, Styrr ensured any kinvar with a basic understanding of magic could participate--and simultaneously introduced an entirely new element to the challenge.   Though the game has changed over time, including new guidelines for safety and for greater objectivity in judging a performance, its heart has remained steadfast: it is still a challenge between elothien, which each participant is responsible for creating and training, that offers no risk to kinvar or animal.


The game itself is a flexible contest whose rules and parameters may be changed at will, so long as the result is mutually agreed-upon by all participants.   The most basic form of the game is a one-on-one contest between two elothien, directed by but not controlled by two kinvari. A favorite format is the obstacle course: a challenging path is designed, which must fit both kinvari's elothien. The competing elothien may race each other directly, or proceed through the course one at a time, with the winner usually being decided by speed.   There are countless permutations on such a contest, of course. The kinvari may assign extra "points" for particularly daring or elegant moves during the obstacle course or include mini-challenges, such as moving a heavy object before continuing. If the elothien are racing head-to-head, their kinvari may choose to allow them to try to trip the other as they go. Participants can include physical or magical puzzles, traps, or other dangers as part of the course.   The game may consist of a single match, or a series of matches where the victor must win a majority. Some kinvari engage in tournaments or seasonal contests, where non-participant kinvari create the course and judge the elothien for greater objectivity.   In addition, the game may have more than two tienias participating. A one-by-one race or obstacle course can have an unlimited number of participants, and even a head-to-head contest can have many elothien engaging in the competition. Where the game is more than one match and has many kinvari participating, points are awarded to each elothien's performance during each match and tallied at the end of the series to determine the winner.  


  Some kinvari prefer a combat-based competition (emâs), where their elothien battle each other until one participant yields. This practice is generally restricted to adults who are quite serious about the dangers of the game, as failure to yield quickly enough may result in the permanent destruction of one's elothien. Many standardized guidelines are put into place to match elothien against a suitable peer to ensure a level playing ground.   In order to appropriately distinguish an emâs match from a normal game, a participant is called a tienemâs (instead of a tienias), and a fighting elothien is called an emâsial. Nearly all emâs are one-on-one, but a kinvar may refer to their own group of fighting elothien as a liemâsial, though they do not perform as a team during a match.

Components and tools

The most important part of the game is the participant's elothien--their arcane creature constructs.   In order to have an elothien for the game, however, one must create it with the ezaluph ritual.   In order to create an elothien, one must find the living animal they wish to ezan ("echo"), and herein lies the additional challenge that Styrr's ritual introduced to the game.   The ezaluph ritual is relatively straightforward and easy to perform, even for a young kinvar or a newcomer to the arcane. Styrr took great pains to embed any intricacies within the simplified components of the ritual, keeping it open to as wide a participant base as possible. The challenge, then, does not lie within the performance of the ritual.   The challenge lies within the living animal included in the ritual, which must not be harmed or unduly restrained or tranquilized. In order to sidestep the potential for animal abuse, Styrr ensured the ritual would only work on a willing, conscious, healthy, and happy animal. A wild animal, a caged animal, a drugged animal, an angry animal, or a fearful animal would not result in an elothien, no matter the arcane prowess of the kinvar attempting to create it.   As a result, kinvari seeking animals to ezan must first befriend the animal. They must court it with treats, respect, and a careful balance of affection and freedom. Family pets or domesticated animals make this process extraordinarily easy, so kinvari may still create an elothien and play the game without struggle. But for those kinvari who seek the rare, the unusual, or the particularly powerful or adept animals to ezan, the challenge is endlessly variable. A kinvar may travel all across the land and spend years in their endeavors to obtain their ideal elothien--but no kinvar must do that just to participate. The ritual is both a clever safeguard for the animals and foundational accessibility for the kinvari.  


  The ritual's instructions and components are widely-known across all Aeldvari and, indeed, most kinvari regardless of race. They will be summarized here; the full documentation can be obtained nearly anywhere.   1. Befriend the animal. The happier and more relaxed (without chemical or arcane influence) it is, the stronger and more robust the elothien will be.   2. Acquire the physical components of the ritual: four equal-length rods or sticks, as straight and smooth as possible, between 2 and 4 feet long; four equal-size stones, around palm-size, preferably of one mineral or crystal instead of a mixture; one small, unique object that the elothien will be tethered to, which may be a bone, stone, feather, tooth, claw, gem, or small handmade object - again, preferably made of one material instead of many. The sticks and stones may be reused from a previous ritual.   3. Use the ritual's incantations to pre-enchant the sticks, stones, and onaó (the unique object). Even if reusing the sticks and stones, they must be re-enchanted.   4. Create a square, as large as needed to comfortably surround the animal, by standing the sticks upright at each corner. The four stones should create an overlapping square, with each stone equidistant between the sticks but not along the same line of stick-to-stick. Place the onaó in the very center of the space, where the animal may stand, sit, or lie over it.   5. Bring the animal into the ritual space. Make it comfortable. Take as much time as necessary. The animal cannot leave the area once the ritual begins until it ends.   6. Use the final incantation to create the elothien and tether it to the onaó. This should not take longer than 10 minutes. When done, reward the animal for its patience and release it back to its home.   7. The elothien may be summoned forth from its onaó at will.  


  Each elothien is permanently tethered to its onaó, but an onaó is not bound to one kinvar alone. Onaó and their elothien can be gifted, traded, or even sold between kinvari, though each kinvar will need to develop their own bond to and relationship with the elothien.   Because of this, however, a tienias must be cautious not to lose or, worse, be robbed of their collection of onaó (lionaó). Criminal activity is very uncommon in Aeldvaren settlements, but due to the widespread popularity of the game and the vast age range of its fans, theft of onaó may occur more frequently than other crimes.   Always secure your lionaó on your person and never leave them unattended. Standard enchantments for concealing a pouch or keeping a container from leaving its kinvar's proximity can be very useful for preventing onaó loss or theft.


The arguably most critical task in playing the game does not take place anywhere near a course or a competitor. Practicing with and training one's elothien is vital to any level of success, no matter the informality of the match. The ezaluph may create the elothien, but it is the time and energy expended in working with the elothien that creates a working relationship and sense of trust between elothien and tienias.   A new tienias will begin by simply spending time with their elothien. The elothien is an accurate echo of an animal in behavior, instincts, basic habits, and temperament; understanding this is key to knowing how to communicate with and motivate one's elothien. The elothien is magically bound to its kinvar, can understand basic commands and base emotions, and cannot spontaneously desert its tienias, but in order to be able to compete in even the simplest of courses, a kinvar must learn how to befriend and guide their elothien.   Elothien that are echoes of familiar animals like pets or common domesticated animals are easily bonded with by doing many of the same activities as one would do with the living version. Even an initially-weak elothien can grow robust and complex with sufficient bonding time and activities.   An elothien based on a dangerous animal cannot intentionally harm its kinvar, but accidents can still occur, so appropriate safety precautions must be taken for anyone and anything in the vicinity. An unruly or at-risk elothien can be instantly disembodied by banishing it back to its onaó for the safety of all concerned.   While there is no known limit to how many elothien a single kinvar may possess, or simultaneously train, tienias are strongly advised to use common sense when interacting with many elothien at once. Well-trained, well-bonded elothien are no danger to their tienias or anyone else, but newer elothien should be shielded from excessive stimulation and not trained for teamwork until sufficiently calm and secure.  


  Many generations after Styrr created the ezaluph ritual, a simple but effective training routine was circulated for new tienias, especially those who had not extensively worked with living animals before.   1. Before any work is done, spend time with the elothien. Observe it. Allow it to observe you. Do not proceed to training until you are comfortable with each other.   2. An elothien needs no food, water, or mana, but small amounts of raw arcana can be used as treats to encourage certain behaviors. Use this first to gain the elothien's further trust so that it is always glad to see you and eager to attend you.   3. Begin training with a very simple command, such as "up," "down," "stay," or "come." Use treats to encourage attempts and to reward successes. Correct failures gently and consistently. You can demonstrate correct behaviors through pantomime, arcane illusion, or carefully moving the elothien's limbs or body through the desired motions. Do not rush. Always end each training session with praise and treats and, whenever possible, on a successful behavior.   4. For every training session, spend as much time with the elothien without working. Continue to give it treats of arcana at will during these times. Begin walking, riding, or otherwise traveling with your elothien so it becomes accustomed to moving alongside you. It should pay some attention to you at all times and react to your unspoken cues.   5. Once comfortable with basic commands to ensure the elothien's safety (and the safety of those near it), you may proceed with more complicated tricks. Which ones will depend on your elothien's species and the kind of matches you would like to compete in. Always reward participation and success, always be patient, and always spend non-working time with the elothien.   6. Before competing in a real match, set up many smaller, low-risk courses to expose your elothien to potential obstacles and challenges. Practice your commands. Invite a friend to observe quietly so the elothien is comfortable with spectators. Gradually include another elothien (yours or someone else's) in a non-competitive way to again accustom your elothien to company. Before you ever compete in a real match, even if only a single game against a good friend with no onlookers, your elothien must be thoroughly comfortable and familiar with the setting of various courses and the presence of others.   7. Your elothien will remember successes, failures, training, and leisure time. If you choose to push it to the point of exhaustion, danger, or repeated failure, it will remember and begin to react accordingly. Be kind and patient; an elothien can become a lifelong companion and should not be treated as an unfeeling game piece or a disposable asset. The personal history you share will shape its personality, behaviors, temperament, and eventually result in a wholly unique individual.   PSA Note: The above is an outdated and disproven school of thought regarding the sentience of elothien. Elothien are constructs, not living creatures.


Though the game is primarily played for the enjoyment and fulfillment of the participants, it has grown into quite the spectator sport for all ages. Young kinvari will gather in clumps to watch an impromptu match between two tienias, and officiated games will draw considerable crowds based on the elaborate design of the courses.   In places where the game is particularly popular, kinvari on a winning streak will often be recognized by the locals and greeted as honored guests in everyday establishments. For the tienias who does not desire this low-level fame, they may wear hoods, veils, or other obscuring clothing to hide their identity during the game and thus protect their privacy outside of the course.


  tienepítha (n.) - the game   tienias (n.) - a kinvar participant in the game   elothien (n.) - an arcane creature construct competing in the game   vénnúlel (n.) - the relationship between an elothien and its kinvar; the cumulation of shared history, past experiences, trust, and emotional bond   ezaluph (n.) - the specific ritual to create an elothien from a living animal   ezan (v.) - "to echo"; the act of performing the ezaluph, of creating an elothien from a living animal
  • ezanial - sing. present "[I] echo"
  • ezana - pl. present "[we] echo"
  • eldral ezan - sing./pl. "will echo"
  • ezanar - sing. past "[I] echoed"
  • ezané - pl. past "[we] echoed"
  lielothien (n.) - a team of elothien belonging to one tienias   onaó (n.) - the physical object that houses the arcane essence of an elothien   lionaó (n.) - a kinvar's collection of elothien onaó   emâs (n.) - a combat-based match   tienemâs (n.) - a kinvar participant in an emâs   emâsial (n.) - an elothien competing in an emâs   liemâsial (n.) - a group of fighting elothien belonging to one tienemâs   niedha (n.) - a series of challenges within or through which elothien will compete (usually a temporary set-up of physical and arcane obstacles and dangers), often simply referred to as a "course"   itédhodal (n.) - a space permanently dedicated to hosting games or sports of any kind, including but not limited to Tienepítha


  Elothien may often be treated by their tienias as individuals or autonomous creatures, but they are not. They do not hold the same rights as a physical or arcane familiar, nor are they considered a living animal either domesticated or wild.   Elothien do not possess enough sentience to experience neglect, loneliness, pain, or fear. They do not possess enough sentience to act proactively, to initiate activities, to problem-solve outside the game course, or to feel or express true affection. They are arcane echoes, animated templates, not living animals or unique entities.   If a kinvar disagrees with the competition of elothien in any venue, be it a typical match or an emâs, that kinvar should not participate in or spectate on the game. Harassment of tienias at any point, by other tienias or by spectators, will be treated as seriously as any threat or aggression by local peacekeepers.


  elothien - /ɛlɔθiːɛn/
eh-LAWTH-ee-ehn   emâs - /ɛmæs/
eh-MASS   emâsial - /ɛmæsiːɑl/
eh-MASS-ee-all   ezaluph - /ɛʒɑlʊph/
EH-zah-LUFF   ezan - /ɛʒɑn/
eh-ZAHN   itédhodal - /ɪtɜːðɔdɑl/
ih-TAY-thoh-DAHL   lielothien - /liːɛlɔθiːɛn/
LEE-eh-LAWTH-ee-ehn   liemâsial - /liːɛmæsiːɑl/
LEE-eh-MASS-ee-all   lionaó - /liːɔnaʊ/
LEE-ah-NAH-o   niedha - /niːɛðɑ/
nee-ETH-ah   onaó - /ɔnaʊ/
ah-NAH-o   tienemâs - /tiːɛnɛmæs/
tee-EHN-eh-MASS   tienepítha - /tiːɛnɛpiːθɑ/
tee-EHN-neh-PEE-thah   tienias - /tiːɛniːɑs/
tee-EHN-ee-ahs   vénnúlel - /vɜːnnulɛl/

Cover image: by Ty Barbary via Midjourney