The Plane Wardens of Avernosa Organization in Yor | World Anvil
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The Plane Wardens of Avernosa

The Plane Wardens began as an arm of the Academia Arcana, tasked with scouting areas near the capital city for any signs of planar intrusion in the wake of the Hellish Incursion. Quickly it became clear that a simple secondary force was insufficient to police the weave. Thus the new Queen of Avernosa decreed the Wardens their own organization, with the full support of the crown and the Academia for one purpose.   Now some hundreds of years later the Wardens have grown to protect even the farthest edges of Avernosa. Outposts of Wardens are kept in places known for high planar activity, and regiments of Wardens are trained and sent across the border to Phlegenshall who lack the centralized government to organize their own solution to the planar problem.   Membership in the Wardens is not easy to attain, no matter how you go about it. Those who seek to join the Wardens must show an aptitude for the skills that make Wardens great. Combat prowess, arcane knowledge, history, wilderness survival. If a Warden applicant comes up short in one area, they better make up for it in another. Not all who join are willing; service in the Wardens is used as a common form of punishment for those whose crimes warrant direct action to repay their debts to society, so long as they also possess the aptitude to not die on their first journey through the rifts.

"Tenere Viam"

Founding Date
1760 MD
Military Order

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