Villa Gemare Settlement in Yonsir | World Anvil
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Villa Gemare

The desert village of gems...

The Aroma Desert is largely uninhabitable, save for a few scavengers and creatures that have adapted to its harsh environment. There is very little water, very little vegetation, and the sun bears down mercilessly on those who wander through the barren wastes. However, where there's a will theres a way, and when it was discovered that the desert held a large deposit of rare earthen minerals and valuables, many fortune-seeking individuals found the will. Now the 'village of gems' holds many wealthy mining and merchant families who have not only survived but thrived in this harsh climate for generations on generations. Because Yonsir is not united under any common banner and most cities fend for themselves, there were no large employers or governments that the miners worked for or owed debts. Because of this, most miners were able to collect and trade what they find underground themselves, and is why the mining families are actually among the wealthiest in this desert village. The town actually has very little poverty, as anyone who is not finding success in these harsh environments would most likely leave. One of the most notable features about Villa Gemare(as well as the main reason for its name) are the numerous gemstones that decorate the buildings. Whether rocks that were too flawed or damaged to sell, or great discoveries that they would never dream of selling away, the citizens have made it tradition to decorate their stone and clay houses with mined gems they've dug up. One could in fact recognize the older and wealthier mining families of the town by simply finding the house with the most large gems in its walls. Historians and explorers have described the town as 'a glittering diamond on the horizon, whose reflective beams of light will be spotted long before its walls'.
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