Rottedom Settlement in Yonsir | World Anvil
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Hardly the cleanest or richest settlement in Yonsir, Rottedom is somewhat infamous for its grime and bleakness. People may refer to this town when wanting to describe a trash dump of a place that is far from paradise. Be that as it may, Rottedom is home to many genuinely good people just trying to survive. Economically speaking, Rottedom has two distinct values. First, Rottedom's main export is citrus, as Lake Lemón to the immediate southwest is home to many groves that produce a surplus of the fruit. Secondly, is its location. Though many Yonsirians would prefer to live elsewhere, merchants and travelers alike find Rottedom as a convenient stopping point on their travels, whether heading to the northern towns, the far eastern outreaches, the southern mountains, or the more populous west. In fact, the merchant Vas family, who long ago appointed themselves as the town leadership, initially took interest in the town because of how many traders would have to pass through it. Sitting on the edge of the Ocaran Woods' southern tip, as well as the edge of the long forgotten Ularan Empire border, Rottedom is a town that historically has been a place of little interest and yet has often found itself at the center of things. As there are no nearby settlements to the direct east of the town, Rottedom technically borders the wild hills that are home to more violent creatures. To control the potential spill of dangers, the Huntsman of Yonsir have built a defensive outpost a ways from Rottedom to catch and control any of the beasts that would decide to target the gritty town.     This is also the settlement where our campaign first started

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