Izvor Settlement in Yonsir | World Anvil
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Izvor used to be just a quiet, empty plain of land. But one day, travelers discovered the hot springs that exist under the earth, and soon a town rose up from the location. People make pilgrimages to Izvor just to bathe in their hot springs, some which have had commercial buildings built around them to profit from the hottest of the water. While you would travel to town for the best and most refined experiences, the hot springs technically stretch for miles, and you could maybe find a natural one in the wild if you looked hard enough and didn't mind nature.
Early on in Izvor's development, for reasons that are unclear, people began believing that the water was not only warm and special, but that it had mystical properties. To keep any one party of the town from maintaining control of the water, the people dug a trench in the middle of the town where water rose up to fill. This man-made river, away from the warm underground temperatures, is not as hot as the regular 'hot springs' but for those who value the water simply for health and worship, this makes no difference.
Izvor, like most of Yonsir, is protected by The Huntsman of Yonsir who have their own station at the north end of town. The town is led by a sort of town elder, named Wagyoo, an elderly tortle, who knows much about the water of the village.


  • Izvor Map
    A town known for its supposedly mystical hot springs

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