
Wolfreezes are a species of predatory ice dragon found in the Iced Shores, the Heather Isles and the Quaint Cliffs.

Basic Information


Wolfreezes are relatively large, standing roughly 3 metres at the shoulder, when on all fours. Their bodies are slim, with two long arms and two long legs. Their arms are fairly similar to sapient races, with them being able to move in a much wider range, their claws able to retract and extend, and they can manipulate their fingers in ways most other dragon species cannot. Their heads are connected to their bodies via a long neck; their heads possess a crown, nose horn and more spikes all made of ice. Their snouts are long, and within their jaws are rows of sharp, serrated teeth good for ripping flesh.   Their tails are incredibly long, ending in a large icy club that is heavy enough to be used well to smack away predators or kill their prey. Their wings are sharp, ending in blades with a long, black talon on their wings. Their overall colouration is a light blue, with a yellowish underbelly and white wings. Shades can change, all depending on the parents of the dragon, but a light colouration is much more common.  

Sexual Dimorphism

Not much of a difference between the sexes, however females tend to have shorter tails and smoother ends to their ice crowns upon their heads. Their overall body colouration is also just slightly more purple, which can only be seen when completely out of the way of sunlight.

Genetics and Reproduction

The eggs of a female wolfreeze are kept in small crevices where they are always guarded by one of two guard dragons, usually either the mother or father, plus another wolfreeze from the pack. The eggs are a light blue, with small icy nodes and indentations around the shell, and a faint purple shimmer to it. Females lay 5-6 eggs, because usually one or two die from a single clutch. It then takes 10 or so weeks for the eggs to hatch, other dragons from the pack will bring round food for the two guards when necessary. It is incredibly important to the whole pack that each clutch survives, and if some eggs don't hatch or babies don't survive long, funerals are held to remember them. It is thought that wolfreezes are an incredibly emotional dragon species, able to bond with others of their packs incredibly well, and mourn when another of their pack dies.

Ecology and Habitats

Wolfreezes live in cold environments, particularly on the islands in the north of the planet, such as the Heather Isles and the Icy Shores. The dragons prefer more wooded areas, where the trees can hide their packs from potential predators circling above or flitting through the trees. They usually circle forests from the outskirts, so they can keep watch of prey that live on plains nearby, like draglaciers.
These creatures sleep in one big pile, that way if a predator walked past they would hopefully assume that it was one big dragon and wouldn't pick a fight with it.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Wolfreezes are a pack animal; they form packs of a group of that species and they live together, hunting down their prey together. Wolfreezes like to hunt a few dragon species, such as dralaciers, by cornering a single dragon that wanders off from their herd, and then a few of them surrounding the dragon while others dive bomb it from above, bludgeoning it to death with the large ice clubs on their tails. It is a rather gruesome way to kill another dragon, not seen in many other species.
Geographic Distribution


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Dec 4, 2021 19:37

I wonder - are they hunted by people for their meat, scale, tails, anything? :)

Creator of Araea, Megacorpolis, and many others.
Dec 4, 2021 19:42 by Mochi

They certainly could be! I have some civilisations lined up that might want some of its properties :P

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Dec 7, 2021 00:07 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love the detail that they mourn for others in their pack.

Emy x
Explore Etrea
Dec 7, 2021 20:17 by Mochi

Thank you! :)

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my Institutes of Learning Challenge entry!
Dec 7, 2021 20:17 by Mochi

Inspired by elephants :P

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my Institutes of Learning Challenge entry!
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