Violet Wobbegong » Yonderverse Codex

Violet Wobbegong

Violet wobbegongs are a species of benthic shark from Norrab. They are a cosmopolitan species, existing in all oceans within the Veins of Norrab. This species is rarely observed due to its scarcity.

Violet Wobbegong by Mochi

They have an entirely purple colouration, with mottled green and grey eyes on top of their heads. The only species of wobbegong from Norrab, they stand out in their surroundings, unlike their relatives.

The colour violet is seemingly feared amongst species within the Veins of Norrab, for very few animals possess this striking colouration. The few that do are all apex predators.

Violet wobbegong populations have suffered due to recent climate shifts, these sharks unable to cope.

Scientific Name
Orectolobus viola
5 - 20 years
Conservation Status
Critically Endangered
Average Length
2 - 8 feet
Geographic Distribution

Cover image: by Mochi


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