Stargazer Transport Shuttle Vehicle in Yonderverse | World Anvil

Stargazer Transport Shuttle

Stargazer city's massive economy relies on the vehicles they produce, that are transported throughout the Yonderverse to different kingdoms on different planets. Special vehicles were designed to transport the vehicles sold, their massive loading docks able to hold many, many vehicles at any one time.


Just like any space vehicle in the Yonderverse, these shuttles rely on primordial jelly to propel themselves through space. While travelling, the shuttles are actively sucking in any primordial jelly they fly past, storing it and using it at a later date if they ever run low.

Weapons & Armament

The 10 crew members are all equipped with tasers, on a handy belt round their waists. In a small room close to the controls room stores various weapons, like more tasers, light swords, and various other weapons and armour that they may need if the shuttle crashes in an unknown location.

Armor and defense

Every single shuttle's exterior is lined with a thin sheet of tarsarium, an incredibly strong metal. This metal is completely bulletproof, explosion proof, practically nothing can break it, which makes it a very good metal to build spaceships from when you have dangerous creatures pretty much everywhere. When the shuttle is damaged, the windows along the middle of the shuttle will fade to a yellow, and as the shuttle gets more and more damaged, the windows fade to an orange, then red, then once the shuttle can no longer function they fade to a black.
Creation Date
The original blueprints for the vehicles were made in 1683, the first shuttle was constructed in 1690.
Complement / Crew
10 on each shuttle.
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
Each shuttle can store up to a hundred vehicles at one time, as well as space for 20 passengers if ever necessary.


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