Shivering Soul

This article is incomplete, and it shall be expanded upon some time in the future. :) If you would like to see it expanded upon, leave a comment letting me know!
Shivering Soul by Mochi

Shivering souls are powerful sentient items, the after-effect of when someone freezes to death. The soul is unable to enter space's atmosphere and join the star life cycle, instead wandering around its owner's grave, shivering and groaning.

Only the dead and those who have had near-death experiences can see shivering souls. So naturally, most witches, wizards, and other magically inclined people can see shivering souls.

Touching a shivering soul for an extended period of time can be dangerous, as their sub-zero temperatures transfer to anybody that touches them. These souls can be collected and harvested for their powers, linked to both ectomancy and glaciamancy.


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