Sfm-a Character in Yonderverse | World Anvil


Sfm -a

Sfm-a (pronounced: sim-fay) is an Aar-Aori who works for the People's Association. They are one of the most recognised Aar-Aori.

Mental characteristics


When Sfm-a was 19, a representative of the PA visited the Aar-Aori, and was looking for people to hire. Sfm-a signed up, and was accepted, due to them being the perfect specimen of their kind, their height, weight, athleticism among others. Their job was to go undercover, using his now refined shapeshifting abilities, and gather information on all of the sentient species in the Yonderverse and beyond. They were part of a group of people doing this, so he was not alone.   Their most significant achievement was recording data on Rocklins. They are a dangerous gremlin species living on a remote island west of Aendatha. Sfm-a spent 3 months gathering information about how they functioned, their lives and how they lived, methods of farming and surviving.


Contacts & Relations

Naturally, Sfm-a has many contacts, as they work in the PA. They have contacts with many sentient races from across the galaxy.

Hobbies & Pets

Sfm-a has a pet smoothshell crab they rescued from Sarabar Swamp as a child. They named the crab Shelly, and Shelly lives at the PA headquarters south-north-south of Greenerth.   Sfm-a is also a fan of table tennis, a popular sport with humans and harmonids. They also participated in the 2028 Olympics held on Earth.
Date of Birth
6th March 1944
Year of Birth
Bright yellow, lizard like
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light blue


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