
In Apalian religion and folklore, Mordeva is the afterlife where every single soul enters. There are three layers to Mordeva: the Surface, the Waters, and the Clouds. How you lived your life will indicate what layer you will forever be locked to.



The Surface of Mordeva consists of barren woodlands, waterfalls and mountains. The Surface is reserved for those who committed serious sins during their lives, ones that the deities cannot forgive.

All of the people's basic needs are met in the Surface. Food, water, shelter is all supplied in some form or another.


The Waters of Mordeva consist of tropical islands and endless oceans. It sits directly above the Surface, and the bottom of the ocean is roughly a thousand miles above the tallest tips of the mountains.

The Waters are reserved for people who led an average life. They died without ruining anybody's lives - the bar is quite low.


The Clouds of Mordeva consist of floating islands and waterfalls, nestled within a field of clouds. The Clouds sits a thousand miles above the Waters. The Clouds is reserved for those who led exemplary lives; saved others, went out of their way to consistently help others, and were a bright and positive spirit their entire lives.

Everyone who lives in the Clouds has complete control of their island homes. They can live alone, with others, and they can change whatever they like about their home, including the size and shape of the islands.


The concept of Mordeva has existed for thousands of years on Cilvarth. In fact, the concept of an afterlife is not unique in the slighest, and it governs countless religions throughout the Yonderverse. Ancient Apalians believed that once you died, your soul would be judged by Asaiva, God of Mordeva. She would look at every single interaction you had with other people, animals, the lands, every thought you had, and make a decision on which layer you must inhabit.

In the last several thousand years this belief hasn't changed much, with many cilvarthians trying to live as good of a life as they can. The only issue is that their motive is not to be good, but to get into the Clouds of Mordeva, which doesn't do them any favours when Asaiva judges them.

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Cover image: Cilvarthian Cliffs by Mochi


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Oct 8, 2023 16:42 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

'The only issue is that their motive is not to be good, but to get into the Clouds of Mordeva, which doesn't do them any favours when Asaiva judges them.' This is my favourite bit. It's such a philosophical conundrum.

Oct 8, 2023 16:51 by Mochi

I love a good ethical conundrum XD

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Oct 10, 2023 11:22 by Marjorie Ariel

I love that this afterlife doesn't seem to have a place of eternal torment, just a place that's not too great to live. I also really like the mention that people try to be good enough to get into the clouds without actually being good.

Oct 10, 2023 15:08 by Mochi

Thank youuu! Apalians are quite nice people, they're not one to believe in torture ^^ *just don't look at ancient apalian history...*

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