Extinct Wildlife of Osao

Here is a compilation of various extinct wildlife of planet Osao. Osao has a rich history of prehistoric animals, archaeology and palaeontology some of the highest paid and highest valued professions.


For the main continent article, see Aecotia.

The birthplace of slimes, Aecotia is a planet of prehistoric life. With the Ink Kingdom, Apalous Desert and the Arid Flatlands, the climate is consistently warm and muggy.

Razortoothed Fennell

One of the largest discovered prehistoric animals on the planet, razortoothed fennells are aptly named. Their jaws were lined with countless razor-sharp teeth, designed for slicing into their prey by dragging their bottom jaw back and forth once they had bitten into another animal. They were frequent cannibals, as remnants of conspecifics were found in fossilised remains of these animals.

The largest ever species of razortoothed fennell is on display in the Xexiala Natural Wildlife Museum, arranged in a formidable posture as an almost complete skeleton of this carnivorous sauropod.


For the main continent article, see Eudan.

Frilled Trilobite

Trilobites always seem to end up some of the first species to arise on a planet. That is the case for Osao, as frilled trilobites evolved as early as 5-6 billion years ago. Their bodies were lined with long frills that detected movement in the water, used to hunt down prey. They also served as food for larger animals, although due to a lack of diversity in the ecosystems there weren't many animals that could take down a frilled trilobite.


For the main continent article, see Ecela.

Ecelan Raindeer

Not to be confused with the extant ecelan reindeer, ecelan raindeer are a miniscule hoofed ruminant from around ten thousand years ago. They went extinct around the same time slimes approached the continent, yet there is no proof of slimes being at fault for the species' extinction.

They were prey for many other species, as they had been found in the fossilised stomachs of many other animals, some species still alive today.


For the main continent article, see Unuth.

Cottonball Moth

These moths, despite not having a skeleton, have been preserved perfectly. Before slimes realised that their remains were actual animals, pebbles with imprints of these moths were used as jewelry. Knockoff jewelry is still sold, and authentics are kept in museums and private collections.

These moths lived nine million years ago, where they were a cosmopolitan species, found worldwide. They were mostly comprised of slime; their wing patterns perfectly preserved.


For the main continent article, see Uaelor.


The only dinosaurs to ever live, or have lived, on Osao all fall under the dromeosauridae family. Salaraptors went extinct three hundred million years ago. While slimes know little about the colouration of extinct animals from this long ago, we know that salaraptors were a bright green. Their physical anatomy is almost identical to arcoraptors, a species of extant dromaeosaur.

Geographic Distribution

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