Desert Scribbles

The Desert Scribbles is an infamous map of the Looming Desert on Norrab. The desert is known for its ever-shifting terrain, meaning generating reliable static maps is impossible. The Desert Scribble claimed to be the world's first reliable map, tricking hundreds, if not thousands, of naive explorers into getting lost in the Looming Desert.

Still, some people use this map presently. The map gives people a sense of support and reassurance while exploring the Looming Desert, as even with the latest science and magic, navigating the desert seems to be a tricky task. Those with no access to a Wanderer's Charm opt for this map instead.


The Desert Scribbles was etched 305 years ago by mage cartographer Jophina Detrel. His expertise lied in his ability to visualise terrains within his mind. Psychically linked with his snakehawk familiar, Detrel could "possess" his familiar and see the world from her point of view, high in the skies.

Detrel had produced several maps of other regions of Norrab, all of which proved to be reliable. His map of the Veins of Norrab, a series of interconnected deep-sea trenches, spread his name across the globe as he gained popularity for his cartographic talents.

The Desert Scribbles was not named this upon its conception - Detrel referred to it as the Eternal Map of the Looming Desert, in the hopes that his map would be used forever.

Only until the three-hundredth explorer was lost in the desert while using this map did people catch on, and realise that Detrel did not in fact produce the world's first reliable map of the Looming Desert. His name was dragged through the mud, he was banished from the Magic Cartography Society, and he lived the rest of his life a hermit-nomad, as he calls it.

Map, Atlas

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