Daglacian Yeti

How long until we head home?
I'd say about an hour. Still got to make a kill before we go back.
I'm so tired, I don't think I can walk much more.
It's either that, or we come back, head to the council's office, tell them we couldn't kill anything, get a second strike, and you know what happens when we hit three strikes.
I know, but-
Don't move. Not an inch.
...What's happ-
Shhh. Don't make a sound. Slowly, step by step, start heading back. NOW.
There's a yeti. Right in front of us.
— Two terrified monster hunters, encountering a yeti.

Masking themselves behind thick ice storms are daglacian yetis. Not quite sophontic, these particularly intelligent animals are known to be ruthless. They're the sole reason that daglacians don't trespass into the true Wilds of the Frozen, sticking to their territories quite firmly.

They're rarely seen by daglacians. When they are, all hell breaks loose.


The only primate species on the planet, daglacian yetis are closely related to gorillas, with a much more upright stance. They typically walk on their hind legs, backs kept straight upwards, however running on all fours is reserved for times that require true speed and strength.

They have top-heavy bodies, with broad shoulders and thin waists. Their heads are large and round, coated in thick white fur, hiding dark blue skin underneath. Their hydrophobic fur allows them to glide through the water much easier than a daglacian. These yetis are generally sexually monomorphic.


From what has been observed, daglacian yetis are hypercarnivores, with a diet made completely of meat products. They use primitive weapons, such as large icicles and wooden shafts, to stab at larger prey. Smaller prey items, they will crush underneath their feet or smash to oblivion with their giant fists.

They are one of few species that actively hunt daglacians. Their size and strength means that the people of Daglaci are no match at all, even with their advanced weaponry and defences.

Reproduction & Growth

Little is known about how daglacian yetis reproduce and nurture their young. Young yetis that have been spotted on monster hunting trips are always partnered with an adult yeti, presumably the mother or father.


Again, daglacians know little about their natural habitats. They seem to navigate the Frozen with little difficulty, and require no comfortable clothing or heating like daglacians.

Many presume these yetis have some kind of primitive settlements, where many gather together. Some are paranoid that these yetis are planning some sort of revolt against daglacians, and as time goes on, conspiracy theories have spiralled out of control, even causing riots in the streets of major cities, begging governments to protect their people.


Many assume daglacian yetis to be one of the most dangerous creatures on the planet. There have only been seven deaths related to these yetis in the last five years, six of which were secondary effects, such as heart-attacks.

Unfortunately, society has made yetis out to be something they're not. Scientists that study these animals have shown, with little, but still valid, proof, that these yetis are not naturally aggressive. Some daglacians have been able to approach the Wilds, stand within a hundred feet of a yeti, without being ripped to shreds.

Many anti-yeti zealots seek to disprove this valid research, but to no avail. Nevertheless, anyone who attempts to prove that yetis aren't set on destroying the daglacian species are mobbed, both online and in the real world.

70 years
Average Height
10 - 13 feet
Geographic Distribution

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Dec 7, 2023 19:42 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Awww, poor yetis have bad press! Misunderstood yetis!

Dec 7, 2023 21:38 by Mochi

They doo! I hope someone changes people's opinions on them D:

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Dec 8, 2023 18:08 by Angantyr

Love the introduction -- it really sets up the tone for the entire piece. :)   How often does it happen for daglacians to hunt yeti, e.g., for their hydrophobic skin or for their furs? I'm thinking that in a way that may be considered barbaric by some, if they share enough resemblance with humans?   I like the multitude of viewpoints. It sets a nice stage for conflict and potential story.   Thanks for a good read!

Playing around with words and worlds
Dec 8, 2023 20:30 by Mochi

thank you so much!! <3 daglacians don't actively hunt yetis, but if they come face to face with one, then yes, they might try and snag a fur coat or two xD

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my plans for Summer Camp!
Dec 8, 2023 23:27

Quite wonderful. A very interesting take regarding the social view of an otherwise rarely lethal creature. It invokes images of conversations regarding sharks. I would be interested to see a reference picture in some way, such as in a field journal or rough sketch to add that much more flavor to an otherwise eye popping article.

Dec 9, 2023 07:43 by Mochi

Thank you so much! <3 I'm definitely planning on adding some art to this article, possibly journal sketches!

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my plans for Summer Camp!
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