Vormir / Corabor Peaks Building / Landmark in Yoeloth | World Anvil
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Vormir / Corabor Peaks

Once a single lone mountain Vormir is said to have been split in two by a powerful wizard known only as Vormirale. The area is under constant patrolling of a massive Roc (pg 260 of monster manual) which neighboring farmers have named Corabor. It is rumored to have a nest somewhere on one of the two halves of Vormir. Many have tried to find this nest, for if one were to acquire one of the eggs of the Roc, it could sell quite well to the right buyer.   Atop the smaller of the two halves of Voramir resides a lone and deep crater covered in shimmertrees, which on every blood moon is rumored to emit a feint purple glow that seeps into the clouds above, creating a beautiful and mysterious milky purple glow across the sky.


Two jagged, rocky halves of what was once a majestic lone mountain
Alternative Names
Corabor Peaks
Megastructure, Land based

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