Rhun Geographic Location in Yoeloth | World Anvil
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Only together will we cross the river

Written by WindWakinLink

Near endless tumbling hills glazed with deep blankets of ever falling snow, blurring ones sight as it falls. Frigid temperatures and harsh conditions that no man should be able to tread. Despite this, Kurrok Warmonger never ceases to send his troops through these harsh conditions to hold the line that separates his stronghold from the Borrilbog Legion's many adversaries.

The river Rhun acts as the no man's land between Xion's Maw and what is left of Yoeloth's resistance.


Near endless tumbling hills glazed with deep blankets of ever falling snow, blurring ones sight as it falls. Frigid temperatures and harsh conditions that no man should be able to tread. Crimson floes of ice comprised of the blood of battles hard fought, flowing on an ever raging river.

Fauna & Flora

Mammoths (pg 332 m.m.), winter wolf (pg 340 m.m.), Snow Crabs (pg 320 monster manual with houserules), Giant Snow Spider (pg 330 m.m. with houserules), Giant Frost Beetle (pg 325 w. H.R.) Clumproot Bush,

Natural Resources

Clumproot Bush, Spruce trees
Alternative Name(s)
The Crimson Floes
Kurrok Warmonger
Owning Organization

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