Clumproot Bush Item in Yoeloth | World Anvil
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Clumproot Bush

Found only atop the highest peaks of mountains included in the Barramak Mt range,these small bushes grow only in the toughest if conditions. It's roots are tangled together in an un-orderly mess and it's deep green leaves have quite a leathery texture when touched. Each bush has about 30 long thick leaves which can be made into a tea that can be used to treat illnesses, or the leaves can be rubbed on the skin to heal burns.   It's roots however are much more valuable in that they can be harvested and combined with snow crab shell extract to brew potions of fire resistance which can last for 3d8 times 2 hours

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Clumproot has a strange property where it will store freezing cold energy in its leaves but mostly in its roots. This energy can be used to cool ones self down even in the hottest of temperatures.
Base Price
3sp per leaf, 1 gp per root clump

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