Badberry bush Item in Yoeloth | World Anvil
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Badberry bush

This bush is known to grow around cold mountaintops and it's berries have great nutritional value to the smaller creatures of the Barramak Mt. range, but are EXTREMELY DEADLY to any other creatures. You can identify it by the greenish purple marble color of its berries. One can use alchemist's tools to crush these berries into a greenish purple odorless liquid that can be used as a poison which will deal 1d10 poison damage on it's own. But when combined with River Snake Venom to deal 2d8+4 damage, or Sandvalley Scorpion Venom for 2d10+6 damage. If you throw this potion at a creature's eyes it can possibly blind them.
Found only in the Barramak Mt. range
Base Price

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