The Ipare Pantheon Organization in Yl Ter Tribaht | World Anvil
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The Ipare Pantheon

The Ipare Pantheon is worshiped almost exclusively by The Ipare. The primary, central deity worshiped is Kir-Joath, the goddess of balance. Those that worship other gods of the pantheon are often considered cultists.
Symbology: gold + silver rods (sometimes crossed)
Symbology: black opal with gold + silver cross
Symbology: black opal, or darkness with swirling colors and lights
These gods were the first true deities of Yl Ter Tribaht, and reside beyond the Outer Planes. They influence the very fabric of the world, including peoples', beasts, and other deities' alignments. The gods' powers are influenced by the world, in turn. For example, a world with more Good than Evil will result in Romra having stronger powers than Kharaba. The gods' powers are also influenced by how many being believe in and worship them. The Cataclysm thus resulted in a weakening of all of the Ipare gods, Kir-Joath most of all.   While the Ipare gods are still very much present, they have been forgotten to the modern peoples of Yl Ter Tribaht. Only the rarest tomes and stories from the time before The Ipare people were isolated from the rest of the world tell of them, and as these are written and told by non-Ipare, they often are biased and/or misinformed. They often debate as to whether the Ipare worshiped their gods as personified deities or whether they were revered as powerful forces, and many academic texts denounced them as primitive, like worshiping gravity or the color blue or the cold, or any other descriptor of the world.
Religious, Pantheon

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