Lord Vardas Character in Yl Ter Tribaht | World Anvil
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Lord Vardas

  • Given name: Gonal Vardas
  • 52 yr old, human male
  • Pale, bald, w/ piercing blue eyes nose is slightly larger than conventionally attractive
  • Wears fine clothes, not flashy, well worn boots and few gold rings
  • If you saw him on the street you wouldn’t see him as the man in charge, except for how he carries himself with authority; very direct but uses the royal “we”
  • Well-known for his level-headedness and logic; relatively in-touch with his people for a noble
  • Before being the Lord of Ahrensport, he was Commander of the Ahrensport city guard (aka militia & police)
  • Loves gardening and personally tends to the gardens behind his keep when he has free time
  • Gay, secretly in love with his steward, Khalib Saphbran -- loves his preparedness and straightforward demeanor and how Khalib takes care of him -- but would never pursue him because it would be dishonorable and unethical since Khalib works for him
Current Location
Ruled Locations

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