Katyusha Geographic Location in Yellgove | World Anvil
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it is a fairly hilly terrain but there is large river running through the land that many towns are close to, there is enough snow in some places to drown people but along the river there are patches of ground with very little snow where the towns and many farms where settled.

Fauna & Flora

there is little to no fauna and flora except to close the the river and its creeks or on farmland close to the sources, but what of it there is it mostly of evergreen trees and thin undergrowth of grass and mud spots. also in one of the main towns they have a temple that has a single one of a kind blue spruce tree. Farms mostly grow potatoes, mushrooms, grain, cabbage, and tomatoes, a good food that you can find are blackberries.

Natural Resources

evergreen trees, blackberries, iron, coal, oil, ice, snow, water, and a very large supply of Katyushans.
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