Ruyi the Songbird Character in XiaYuan | World Anvil
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Ruyi the Songbird

Ruyi (a.k.a. The Songbird)

A songbird found in the chest Miyue's mother left for her in the Spiritual Farm. Can speak, and knows much about court manners and etiquette.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She's a songbird. Small, brilliantly colored, with a long tail and a short, stabby beak. She's fast, flexible, has a tight turn radius, and is very squishable.

Body Features

See accompanying photograph.

Special abilities

Her song is hypnotic, and can be used to many effects.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ruyi doesn't remember much of her life, but she knows she wasn't always a bird.


Has the education and training of a high-born lady.

Intellectual Characteristics

Sharp, quick, sarcastic and biting.

Morality & Philosophy

The world owes her for her being a bird. Anything she does is justified by that.

Personality Characteristics


She wants to go back to being a person. No matter what, this is the most important thing to her.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Amazing when it comes to court intrigue and etiquette, horrible when it comes to anything athletics related.

Likes & Dislikes

Loves peaches. Can't stand peanuts. Dislikes small, dark spaces.

Virtues & Personality perks

Quick-witted, observant, careful.

Vices & Personality flaws

Gets distracted easily. Secretly fears that she'll never be human again. Secretly believes Miyue's mom did something to her, turned her into this bird. Is looking for revenge, but will only take it if there is little to no risk to her own self.

Personality Quirks

Fluffs up when nervous. Chirps quietly to herself when anxious. unbelievably self-centered.


Preens every so often.
Current Location

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