Vifurans in Xaritry | World Anvil
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Vifurans (Vee-fuu-rans)

Vifurans are the sapient species native to Vifu which appear much like anthropomorphic cats, mainly felines similar to Tigers with an inverted color scheme and eye colors ranging in hues on the Magenta-Deep Blue side of the color spectrum.   Technologically, Vifurians are at a stage much like where humanity was in the 2010s. Any and all space travel is limited to certain areas of the planet that allow the merging of technology. This makes Vifu one of the few planets to not have unionized after space travel was made accessible to it.   Vifurans are naturally social creatures, relying on social interaction to remain civil. If left in solitude for too long, Vifurans become animalistic and barbaric. Because of this risk factor, it is a legal requirement in some places to live in households of no less than four members. Those that cannot afford to live in such conditions are usually sent to government-paid community housing facilities to keep the social quota.   Vifurans are omnivorous and often rely on imported food and water to survive, given how valuable and little in quantity water from Vifu is. Vifurans eat various amounts of food every day, usually never sticking to one specific diet.   Vifuran governments do vary depending on which region you visit, however, the two most prominent governmental types are communism and republican. Both of these governments work for the Vifurans, as social reputation matters too much to them to let power corrupt them into controlling others.   Wealth-wise, the Vifurians are somewhat less than the average poor planet, with Earthen 2010's technology only being accessible to the upper-middle capitalistic class, and space travel only being affordable to the rich and socially important. It would be safe to assume that Vifurians would solve this issue if they were willing to sell their water, however, it is too precious to the planet's general life to reap for financial benefit. Because of this protection, not many higher companies are willing to help the Vifurans out with their planetary financial troubles.   Despite the unfortunate lack of wealth, Vifu has a decent military, comprised of many willing volunteers and allies looking to protect Vifu's water supplies from those that wish to exploit it. Due to this determination and the value of Vifu as a whole, many people volunteer and enlist in Vifurian armies to help keep the planet and its population safe and in good hands.

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