Apdew-Aht Item in Xalendria & The Mortal Lands Beyond | World Anvil
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The apdew-aht, which translates roughly to "the bed of the flock" from Bennuan, is a traditional cradle for infants that dates back to the Ancient Age. It is a simple woven reed vessel shaped like a boat, inside of which is a feather-filled pad made of linen. What sets the apdew-aht apart are the feathers themselves: they are collected from members of the fledgeling's family, going back generations. Bennu often keep their molted feathers in clay jars until they need to be added to the cradle, a practice which begins as soon as they enter a committed relationship that may result in children.    Amongst the Bennu, it is generally agreed upon that apdew-aht are the superior bed for infants, as it alledgedly helps babies fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. Bennuan scholars theorize this is due to the residual magic left in the feathers of the child's family members, which make them feel safer. This theory has yet to be proven, however.


Apdew-aht have been recorded in heiroglphs in the Great Sand Sea dating back to the late Ancient Age. The oldest extant cradles date to the early Dissention Age, as the materials do break down overtime with continous use as the apdew-aht are often passed from one family member to the next.
Item type
Creation Date
Unknown, Ancient Age
Very common
~ 5lbs
~ 40in long, 17in wide
Raw materials & Components
The cradle is made from tightly woven, dried reeds, similar to the flat-bottomed boats used on the River Nu. The linen of the padding is often white or cream in color.

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