red war Military Conflict in Wvallen | World Anvil
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red war

This war was so violent and bloody that it became known as the red war. It made almost all the factions and alliances in Wvallen fight each other.

The Conflict


For centuries, Numpad and Corth have fought various wars for the control of the silver river. In 1788, when the new continent was discovered, this river became an important place to repair and build ships, as well as for trading. Fearing Corth trying to take control of the river, Numpad created the Alliance in 1789, to help defend it, is exchange of alliance members free passage through the river, almost all west Wvallen joined the  Alliance. In 1793, Corth created the Union, to try take  the river, as well for conquering west Wvallen. In 1801, when Numpad's outpost in the east Wvallen was attacked, the war begun.


At this point, both of he alliances were ready for war, the North Guild, the most feared member of the Alliance, started deploying their troops all over the frontier in 1800.

The Engagement

There were many battles, like the siege of Takl, the battle of Hyte and the battle of New Numpia, which ended the war.


Numpad collapsed, unfortunately for Corth, surviving loyal Numpad soldiers formed the Numpad Remnants , that defended the territory from incursions. More than 10 million people died. The North Guild was conquered by the East Tribes . The archipelago conquered most of Corth islands and became the number one explorer of the new continent.

Historical Significance


After this war, all the surviving factions created the @War Rules, as well as the @PKO.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
The union won at a huge cost.



Almost all of west Wvallen factions troops and strength.
Almost all of central Wvallen troops and strength.


More than 5 million.
More than 5 million.


Conquer the union's territory and have a safe passage to the new continent.
Conquer west Wvallen territorys and explore the new continent.

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