World of tirrim After the 4th Dark Crusade Timeline
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After the 4th Dark Crusade

Age of Airships

2087 and beyond

  • 2087 AA

    25 Fenas

    The Rise of Airships
    Discovery, Scientific

    When the Siege of Maleroth ended, the Eternal Empire of Maleroth had faded. Amidst the labs of the dark lord, the realms that laid siege to Maleroth had discovered their ambitious experimental technology. They found black powdered weapons, but they were destroyed and broken. They found armored carriages, but they were crushed beneath debris and unusable. The only thing intact was a marvel they have never seen before: an airship.   With a keen interest in this tech the Halfling-Sage, Gendry Karings, took the prints and refurnished the design of these beautiful vessels. After several attempts, the first Airship was successfully commissioned in the Dwarven Realm of Sothar, sparking a world wide interest and production of these airships.

  • 2089 AA

    7 Fenas
    2095 AA

    5 Arvet

    The Slaughter of Fangs
    Military action

    After the end of the 4th Dark Crusade, Maleroth was conquered by Esenor, Trajanor and the Orinsulans. While the orcs bent the knee the moment the Dark Fortress fell, the vampires were stubborn and resisted. Emperor Eleric II, Queen Julia and Queen Hedge agreed that they must be taken care off.   Armies, Bounty Hunters and Religious Groups were sent out to find and slaughter every vampire they could find and kill them the moment they see them, or burn them in large pyres. Majority of these vampires were soldiers, generals, lords and ladies that served the dark lord.   Though most have been put to the sword and their heads up spikes, it is believed that not all were taken into account. Nowadays, vampire hunting was delegated instead to The Red Company.

  • 2100 AA

    3 Fenas
    2106 AA

    8 Arvet

    The War of Sun and Dragon
    Political event

    The Faith of the Red Drake, once a popular Orinsulan religion has been seeping its way into Esenor's population. Emperor Eleric II named this as "Heretical" and launched a Holy War against Orinsula to snuff the faith out of his homeland. With the aid of pirates, the Esenorians were victorious.

  • 2162 AA

    3 Arhust

    The Poisoning of Emperor Eleric II
    Life, Death

    In the midst of the 75th Anniversary of Lord Erevas' Death going on in the Empire of Esenor, Emperor Eleric II was poisoned by a vampire group containing loyalists of the dead dark lord. Prior to them being identified, the crowned Empress Adawyn did all in her power to hunt them down. Finally, they were burnt at the stake in Revenlor infront of a cheering crowd of thousands.

  • 2182 AA

    9 Arvet
    2191 AA

    16 Gulast

    The Civil War in Orinsula

    The Kingdom of Orinsula's failure in the War of the Sun and Dragon had gave it long term consequences. Its inability to recover from the war's tremendous cost lead it down the path to revolution. Three factions fought in the war vied for dominance in the country.   The Hook's Alliance, a loose alliance of pirates. The Royal Loyalists, whom support the old monarchy .The Rebellion, whom desire to replace the reigning dynasty with a new King.   The Rebels were victorious and Reywell Trajanor became King of Orinsula. The old dynasty, House Drakefire, was deposed and stripped of power.

  • 2193 AA

    28 Deced

    The Vassalization of Novarod
    Political event

    Kingdom of Novarod was enduring a long famine due to their realm not possessing any arable land and its trade relations with neighboring nations severed. Having no other option left, King Yurikov Vodansk offered to trade with the Esenorians. Empress Adawyn deemed it wasn't enough; instead she offered that Novarod becomes a vassal of the Empire in exchange for food. The King agreed, thus Novarod's lands were now subjects of the Empress. However, such a decision did not sit well with some Novarodians; claiming that they would rather starve than be servants to the nation that they despised.   When the event was detailed, the letters were mistranslated causing the rest of Tirrim, especially the Kingdom of Trajanor, is up to no good once again. They nicknamed the Empress as 'The Usurpatrix'

  • 2194 AA

    21 Maya

    The Assassination of King Narsis
    Criminal Activity

    On a Summer evening in the Royal Palace of Saerium, an unknown individual sneaked into the office of King Narsis and killed him and his guards. His death was discovered when one of his servants went inside his grace's office, to only then discover the carcasses of him and his guards. After this, Trajanor was on high alert and Prince Ollyan ascended to the throne as King.

    More reading
    Narsis Trajanor