The Oblivion War Military Conflict in World of Tirrim | World Anvil
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The Oblivion War

The Oblivion War is said to be Lord Domitheon's very first war against the entire continent dating back several millennia ago. With an army of several hundred legions of orcs and dark elves, he conquered every single stretch of land, obliterated entire cities and killed hundreds of thousands in his wake.   In the final months of the war, Lord Domitheon atop his Basilisk, lead his armies to confront the Aethalan City of Aildir and lay siege to it. It's elven defenders could do little but endure it till it's end. The elven-king, Theondon, was present to lead the city. Not long after the walls were breached, Theondon rode his Ice Dragon to confront Lord Domitheon himself.   Theondon's duel with Domitheon would result in the Dark Lord's mortal wounding by the blade of his sword - The Vanquisher. The deep cut across Domitheon's chest would result in him ordering a hasty retreat from the city and back to Maleroth.   While Theondon ordered the remainder of his allied forces to pick them off during their withdrawal, he claimed this as a Phyrric victory for the elves.

The Conflict


The War resulted in the loss of written information about nations, people and events that date back several millennia; creating a massive gap of lost information in between the Continent's Antiquity and the Present Century.    In addition, for the Aethalan elves, their nation would never be able to recover it's lost territories and even more so - their power. The unknown realms of men would be the ones to rebuild themselves out of the rubble and became the dominant species.
Conflict Type
Start Date
Ending Date



2 Million Orcs
3.2 Million


1.9 Million Orcs
3 Million


Establish Lord Domitheon's new world order; the revival of the worship the Imirtir as Gods once more.
Defend the continent form the orc menace and push back Domitheon's forces.

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