The Kingdom of Trajanor Organization in World of Tirrim | World Anvil
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The Kingdom of Trajanor

In the west, there exists a great human realm that lasted for more than thousand years and still alive today. The Kingdom of Trajanor a strong and influential power even when its Empire had already faded. They grew from a city, to an Empire, then to a Kingdom but their legacy forever changed the course of Tirrim. During the 4th Dark Crusade, the might of the Trajanorans was tested against the orc invaders. Tested they did, they were victorious along with their allies with King Alphaeius Trajanor slaying the dark lord's horrid beast known as the Cerberus.   100 years after the war, the Kingdom of Trajanor was enjoying great peace as they paved their way into the Era of Airships with a new fleet. However their King, Narsis Trajanor, was found dead within the palace. Presumed to be assassinated, the blame was placed on Trajanor's centuries long rival: Esenor. However, Empress Adawain herself denied the assassination attempt with ample evidence to support their claims.   With tensions in the air and the killer of King Narsis not solidly identified, the armies of the two powers build up in preparation for war in the case that Esenor be found guilty for his murder.


The Kingdom of Trajanor's structure still uses their Old Imperial System where the King of Trajanor holds absolute power with a Court Assembly that aids in his rule by managing Military, Civilian, Agricultural affairs and etc. Even lower are the Provincial Governors who are elected by their province; acting as the voice and presence of the government in their respective provinces.



Founding (262)

After the Oblivion War decades ago, the disarrayed peoples of the world had to re-organize their society after Maleroth had destroyed the Realm of Tirrim. In the ruins of the ancient town of Saerium, the remains of the people living there attempt to do just that. Thus, the Republic of Saerium was founded, claiming to be Tirrim's rightful successor. Anyone with the elected rank of Chairman was to be the leader of the republic.

Republican Era (262 - 1202)

Much of Saerium was built with wooden elements and rebuild with it, but overtime it was able to expand and transform. Under Chairman Baerus, the Republic would stretch from the Pulcharian Lake in the north to the Dwarf Stream in the south. The settlements of Amranthe and Apollyon were also built. Not to be threatened, the Sotharian dwarves south of Dwarf stream saw the acquisition of their ancestral river as an unholy act; thus starting the River War in 312. The war ended for after 10 years, causing the downfall of the Dwarvish House of Ironhammer and the occupation of the dwarven city of Marsis.   In the decades that followed, Saerium's republic would flourish during the time known as The Great 121. This was a period that spanned a 121 years when Saerium first met with the Aethalathon elves and started trading with them, not to mention the discovery of large gold ore deposits in the Griffin Mountains. With this new found wealth, they were able to pay for larger projects andlarger ambitions. Under Chariman Harrun and Chariman Elmis after him, the city transformed beautifully with statues, pillars, improved housing design aswell as bousting a good sewage and plumming systems.    In addition to this, the Republic was prompted to build a stronger and more professional army after witnessing barbaric attacks from the Vidar Northern Tribes. Generals such as the likes of Raes Romulus built and bred this army to top notch gear; able to trample opposing armies with inferior equipment and lacking discipline. With these improvements, the Republic stretched farther up north.

The Land and Sky is Ours

Alternative Names
The Western Kingdom
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Market economy
Controlled Territories
Notable Members

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