Imir-Korthelin Building / Landmark in World of Tirrim | World Anvil
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In the language of elves, Imir means "God-Like"
    The Imir-Korthelin (Elvish: God-Like Fortress) is the largest fortress in the world located in Esenor's southern regions. Built to protect Esenor from the orcs during the days Erevas still drew breathe, the Imir is said to be virtuallly impregnable by magical and conventional means. What also makes it formidable is its inner-farms and fields which allow the fortress to become self-sufficient.   King Minas Emilin ordered the Imir to be constructed but restraints created by his limited resources forced him to create a smaller version called the Flin-Korthelin which he viewed as "Disappointing and pitiful to look at". Decades later, Empress Caranthir would gather enough workers and resources to build a full-scale version of the fortress over the one that was built. Thus, the Imir-Korthelin was was made and Minas' ambition was fulfilled.
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